The Paste: a highly recommended picture paste and upload WordPress plug-in

» WordPress » The Paste: a highly recommended picture paste and upload WordPress plug-in

Image upload has always been a place of complaint in wp, and how to speed up the efficiency of image upload has always been the pursuit of wp users. Today's introduction is a plug-in that can speed up image paste and upload.

The Paste:强烈推荐的一款图片粘贴上传WordPress插件​-极客公园



The Paste:强烈推荐的一款图片粘贴上传WordPress插件​-极客公园

The name of this plug-in is Paste, which is very simple and rude. This plug-in has two working modes, one is to paste and upload directly in the media library, the other is to paste and upload between editors. In fact, it's a bit redundant for him to paste and upload in the editor, because if I use the editor to upload, I can use other simpler plug-ins instead of using two modes, so Yunluo has simplified it here and directly paste and upload in the media library.


The Paste:强烈推荐的一款图片粘贴上传WordPress插件​-极客公园

As mentioned above, the editor upload is a bit redundant. This function has been deleted here, so this function will not be discussed. The main thing is to paste and upload in the pop-up window of the media library. We can copy screenshots and then paste and upload, or directly copy and paste and upload on the web page, or copy and paste and upload in the computer file manager. Because the pop-up window of the media library does not distinguish between the visual editor and the text editor, the editors in both modes can be used. Because Yunluo does not use the latest Gutenberg editor, it is not clear about the compatible Yunluo of Gutenberg editor. If you use the Gutenberg editor, you'd better disable it.
The Paste:强烈推荐的一款图片粘贴上传WordPress插件​-极客公园

After the screenshot is pasted, there will be a small interface with several options. The first is to re paste it to prevent pasting errors. The second is to add a name directly to the image. The third is to select a format. You can select jpg or png format. The last is to confirm the upload.

Dynamic diagram demonstration

Because of the CDN watermark function used by this site, the dynamic image may fail. Click it to see it.

The Paste:强烈推荐的一款图片粘贴上传WordPress插件​-极客公园

Secondary modification


Image pasting and uploading is very necessary for people who often use images to decorate articles, because every time we take a screenshot or copy an image, we have to save it locally, and then upload it to the media library. This is a very troublesome job. With this plug-in, we can make the whole process very simple and very fast.

Related Links

The Paste modified Lanzuo Cloud


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9 Replies to "The Paste: a highly recommended picture paste and upload WordPress plug-in"

  1. One solution for Yunluo is to upload pictures to the media library when editing the log, insert them into the log, and publish them in the log, or if there are words in front of the pictures, the links are added to the front, and if the pictures are in the front, the links are added to the Japanese characters behind. Picture format is gif

  2. 1. The dynamic diagram cannot be viewed after clicking. 2. After clicking the modified version of Cloudfall, the jump only returns a string of {"msg": "handshake failed", "code": "50302006", "id": "6b2ced64e999326635432f21a74192a1"}

    1. @ eryajf It seems that the picture can't be displayed temporarily because Yundun has just been acquired, but the picture has already arrived at my website, and the download has just been released, so it comes out slowly, which is already good