Converting a summary RSS service into a full-text RSS online website: FeedEx

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Use a third-party service to convert a summary RSS feed into a full text RSS reading feed, without having to load it again.



Sites Preview


Is it very simple? It's a mess.

usage method

It's easy to use. Open the website and enter the RSS subscription address in the address bar. For example, the subscription address of Fun Park is , remember to add http:// , then press Enter, wait a few seconds, and the full-text RSS link will be automatically generated, and the full-text RSS instance of the latest article will be shown below. We just use the RSS subscription address generated by the website, for example, the full-text RSS subscription address of Yunluo is:

RSS subscription speed

After the conversion, the RSS feed has changed to https://. Cloud Cloud looks at this website, which is not as fast as the domestic one, but it is still tolerable. Next, let's look at the ping value. Which other site is used as a comparison

Website link

Official FeedEx link


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