Ku'an, an APP website that can find good things

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Ku'an, probably the most active app distribution website in China


Ku'an is by no means the website with the largest number of users, but it must be the website with the highest user activity. In Ku'an, you will often find some software that you like. It's always right to go to Ku'an for a walk when you have nothing to do.

About Ku'an

Ku'an is a start-up team that focuses on the application market, but there is a small number of people who focus on high-quality applications. At present, the number of Ku'an team seems to be less than 15.


The highlights of Ku'an are

  • Small staff system
  • Comment system
  • Discovery system
  • User level
  • Application itself

Small staff system
Many of Ku'an's software are introduced after being used by a small editor. Each software will have a small editor's comments, some of which are humorous, some of which are complaining, some of which are cute (to death), some of which are professional, and some of which are not ethical. In a word, it is very grounded. Xiaobian directly participates in interaction, comments and discussions with users, unlike other domestic app stores, which add a basic introduction to software. They may not know what the software is used for.
Comment system
Of course, this


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