Cos html cache: static cache plug-in recommendation and description

» WordPress » Cos html cache: static cache plug-in recommendation and description

Make WordPress truly static and speed up!

cos html cache:静态化缓存插件推荐与说明-极客公园


As we all know, the loading speed of a pure HTML static page is much faster than that of a PHP page. Today Yunluo recommends cos html cache as a plug-in and its instructions

Plug in principle

Before introducing this plug-in, let's briefly talk about the principle of web page loading. First, the user clicks on the web page to make a request, and then the browser sends the request to the website server. Then the server collects data from the website database, organizes it into a static web page file, and then sends the static file to the browser, The browser renders this static file into a gorgeous page, which is really visible to us. From here, we can know that the process of forming a visible web page is in the static file. Right click the web page to view the source code, and you can see what files the server has transferred to the browser.
Normally, a web page will not change much after it is finished. Therefore, we can save the static file directly, eliminating the process from the website server to the database, from the database to the browser, and from the user to the browser.
Don't understand? For example, we can create a new folder named test in any space, even in a static space, even on our own computer (if it is a computer, we don't need to consider the domain name). In this folder directory, we can create a new test.html file with arbitrary contents. If the domain name of this space is. me, open the file test.html with a browser, His browser address bar path is. me/test/test.html, see? Does this process involve the database? Is php involved? Is WordPress involved? Are plug-ins involved? Dumuya! Now you should understand the advantages of static?

Plug in Introduction

-_-||I have said so much nonsense before, and now I formally introduce this plug-in. This plug-in is developed by domestic bloggers to generate static cache, and it is currently the cache plug-in of our website.

Blogger's view

Yunluo's opinion on this plug-in is three words!

  • Small! This plug-in has only two files, and the size is small enough. When I have some obsessive-compulsive disorder, I can't refuse it.
  • Jane! This plug-in has only three functions: generate cache, clear cache, and automatically clear relevant page cache when the website is updated.
  • Cool! After the use of this plug-in, the loading of web pages has significantly changed. As long as your network speed is good, it can load in almost seconds.

Plug in Features

1. Small, Jane, quick
2. The server is required to support URL rewrite (commonly known as pseudo static)

Plug in usage

First of all, the plug-in must support pseudo static, that is, it requires the fixed connection of the website to look like an HTML static file, that is, it requires to end with. html.
In terms of fixed connection, Cloud Cloud recommends/archives/$post id.html or/archives/$post name.html. Cloud Cloud's own is the first
According to my previous example, I can see that at present, the root directory of my website generates an archives folder, which contains many static files in html format
If it is not automatically generated, create one yourself. Folder permissions are 777
Then create a blank file of index.bak in the root directory. The permission is used to produce the static file of the home page. If it has been automatically generated, it does not need to be created.

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