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About this site

About me

Geek Sun , former PHPer, Gopher, now freelance, male, post-90s, geek, programmer, serial entrepreneur, lifelong learner. Ten years of experience in web development, starting as an intern and working all the way to a system architect, experienced small start-ups, had been to ten thousand people of enterprises, and had experienced the e-commerce platform with hundreds of millions of traffic, and also struggled with the transformation of traditional industries to digital (SaaS). Currently, he is a co-founder of a start-up company, and is also passing the Geek Wisdom Shop Explore the new role of one person enterprise CEO (super individual) in the AI era with the geek study.

About Geek Study

The original purpose of setting up Geek Study: the world has suffered 996 years, and the interview has been a long time. In particular, under the three-year epidemic, the Internet platform economy was affected by the real economy, resulting in a wave of layoffs and employment difficulties. As a bottom coder, where to go and where to go in the future? I believe that many people are confused under the impact of historical trends, and I am no exception. But I want to make a try. Is there any other way for programmers to go besides buying code for youth and selling time for money? Even if moths fight against fire, it can also provide reference for future generations.

Ok, far away, back to the point, let's see what I want to do through this website. People should have some ideals, but also down-to-earth.

Geek Study It is a technology we media platform (WeChat official account, video account, and the same name of Douyin) under Geek Zhifang, managed by Geek Sun. The domain name is derived from Geek English words of Geek In "American slang", this word means a scholar or intellectual who is super intelligent and good at studying but not sociable. With the rise of Internet culture, it is often used to describe people who are crazy about computer and network technology and devote a lot of time to studying.

I hope to build the geek study into A community of technology geeks who continue to learn and discuss , not only that, but also try to explore How to transform from a developer to an independent developer, or even an individual CEO We should not only teach people programming skills to solve work problems to settle down, but also go to the higher level to let developers have more freedom of choice - you can choose to develop in a favorite company. If you really like it, but if the work has squeezed your life too much, you can also choose to be an independent developer, Even find a niche market to set up a small and beautiful One person enterprise , completely get rid of dependence on employers, and no longer make money by selling their working time.

After all, real gods are scarce. For most developers, technology development is just a way of making a living to support their families. So how to make a fortune through technology and how to earn more money with less time and more efficiency are things most people should consider.

From the perspective of wealth creation, from the perspective of the national macro climate, in the current era of aging, family planning, and the sharp decline of demographic dividend, in order to make people create more wealth, in addition to increasing time is to improve efficiency. From the perspective of the micro climate of the Internet, the 996 type working mechanism of the domestic Internet makes it difficult for us to have other pieces of time available except for work, Therefore, we can only improve efficiency. What we need to upgrade is not more labor time, but our mind and the mode of making money.

What's more, the probability of Internet making wealth is getting smaller and smaller. We also need to weigh the long-term income and sustainability of 996, and whether it is worth overdrawing our health too much. Most of us ordinary people want to explore and create value and wealth in the social division of labor. If we spend a lot of time dealing with machines instead of contacting more people, will we be replaced by AI and other technologies one day? After all, in essence, programmers are also a kind of translation work - translating human needs into languages that machines can understand. In the long run, AI may be better at this.

So in the geek study, I will take technology as the starting point to share technology, products, business, globalization and AI related content

Content Services

The main content of the geek study will focus on the creation of content related to geek skills (not necessarily limited to programming, but can be any skills needed to become an individual CEO), and will be supplemented by AI tools and business thinking to build all the knowledge and skill bases that an individual CEO needs to have in a one-man enterprise:

If you have the ability of an individual CEO, you are fully qualified to enter the company or become an independent developer. Besides, many companies can also practice one-man enterprises, such as Google's 20% personal sideline time, and many companies' internal entrepreneurship. Even without these conditions, you can strive to be a leader in any project, Instead of being passively assigned to work, it will also be of great benefit to your promotion, which is called dimension reduction.

In fact, an individual CEO can also be understood as a super individual. You don't have to set up a company, but be your own CEO.

Geek's study will no longer focus on basic technology, but more on technological pragmatism. After all, technology is used to solve problems, not to study several ways to write characters. For a one-man enterprise, technology is just a tool to provide services for customers. The most important thing is always what value you can provide for customers, focusing on customers, and helping customers succeed, And create a good customer experience. Everything else is just a means to achieve this goal. This is not only a wealth password, but also the best way to avoid AI competition and not be replaced by AI.

With such a recognition, you will not be technology oriented, and you will weigh more how to help customers achieve their goals with the lowest cost, highest efficiency and simplest scheme. Of course, this is not to deny the value of technology. On the contrary, as the CEO of a one-man enterprise, you must first become an expert in your field of subdivision, so that you can find the simplest and most efficient solution as soon as possible. Simplicity does not mean that it is easy to find the best path from a mess, which itself requires a high degree of professionalism, And only your professional performance again and again can make customers trust you. Trust is the most valuable asset and passport of the commercial society.

Tools Services

In addition to content services, I also created an AI based Geek Wisdom Shop It provides AI question and answer, translation and think tank services. The core product is the sweet potato think tank, which is a RAG tool based on LLM optimization. At present, it is still in the early iteration stage. Finally, I want to build it into an individual AI think tank. It is not a knowledge stack like a knowledge base, but an AI think tank that can really solve problems, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Those who are interested can go and experience it.

WeChat official account

Well, let's not say more. If you see here, you are still interested in this site. If you want to go with me or just want to see how far I can go, please follow Geek Study , you can also scan the code to follow my WeChat official account and video number, and receive the latest content updated by the geek study on the mobile phone:

Geek study subscription service

In addition, I have also created a knowledge planet - Geek study subscription service. This planet focuses on geek skills, AI tools and business thinking, so as to provide more exclusive upgrade content and services for subscribers who pay to support the creation of geek study:

  1. Unlock complete web application development course content services, including PHP/ Go Web programming practice (full stack development+DDD+microservices), cloud native deployment, and underlying computer knowledge (algorithms, network communications, databases, message queues);
  2. Unlocking more than programming AI skills and tools learning , let you make good use of AI to improve productivity by 10 times, including ChatGPT Various tuning skills, and AIGC Introduction to various AI tools (including design, writing, painting, audio and video), but my focus is still in the field of AI think tanks;
  3. Unlock Star Friend Offline party Functions - organize offline theme activities regularly to let young partners talk about technology, life and sparks of cooperation;
  4. In addition, I will often be here with you interaction share You can also talk with me about any problems in your study, work and technology frontier discuss
  5. more The exclusive benefits for subscribers (this one is reserved for future expansion) are cooling down

You can join the planet by scanning the following QR code through WeChat:


  1.  jack.zhang
    jack.zhang April 7, 2022

    Academician, the coupon subscribed to the service planet is invalid

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