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More and more UHD video application scenarios
2024-06-05 09:16:15 Source: People's Daily Editor in charge: Han Donglin

Shooting distant scenery with mobile phones, browsing monitoring images on the large screen, and inspecting human organs with professional endoscope equipment... Ultra high definition video is increasingly used in people's lives.

In Chengdu High tech Zone, relying on the National Ultra HD Video Innovation Center established by Sichuan Xinshi Chuangwei Ultra HD Technology Co., Ltd., the center has applied for more than 80 technical patents, registered more than 20 software copyrights, and broken through key technologies such as 8K ultra HD camera module and complete machine, 8K video image processing, dual machine linkage, and intelligent tracking.

How to carry out R&D and application in the field of UHD video? How to promote new technology testing, certification and application transformation? Recently, the reporter walked into this innovation center to find out.

Establish a platform to carry out common technology research and development

In the laboratory, technicians are carefully assembling an ultra-high definition camera. "This is an 8K camera with a new optical anti shake module," said Song Xiaomin, deputy director of the Innovation Center.

Anti shake has always been an important requirement of video front-end acquisition, which can avoid the problem of unclear images caused by machine shaking. The researchers of the center combined traditional optical anti shake and electronic anti shake, and began to trial produce optical anti shake modules with good compatibility and anti shake effect. The new module is becoming mature, which is inseparable from the front-end acquisition laboratory.

"In combination with the research and development needs of ultra-high definition video technology, we have set up common technology research and development platforms such as front-end acquisition laboratory, key technology laboratory of encoding and decoding, key technology laboratory of network transmission, ultra-high definition+AI innovative application technology laboratory." Song Xiaomin introduced that the center also set up joint laboratories with the Institute of Optoelectronics Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units, We will carry out technological breakthroughs through independent research and development and combination of production, teaching and research.

After one stand covers the observation and recording area, the other stands can track and lock the target intelligently - double machine linkage is the latest technical achievement of the key technology laboratory of encoding and decoding. "This technology can be widely used in security, cultural tourism and other scenes." Song Xiaomin said that products relying on this technology have begun to be introduced to the market.

Ultra HD video technology has the characteristics of seeing clearly, seeing far and seeing widely. Under the technical conditions of traditional cameras, due to the low image resolution, the details of the target object will not be clear, which will affect the accuracy of the artificial intelligence algorithm for calculating the target. In the UHD+AI innovative application technology laboratory, the exploration of new technology application scenarios that use UHD video technology to input clear video for AI and improve algorithm library and model library is also proceeding steadily.

Transform and apply to more scenes

In the "Panoramic Digital Runway" system screen, the aircraft takes off slowly and various attitude data are fed back to the monitoring screen. "The takeoff is smooth, the runway is free of foreign objects, and the landing gear has been retracted." At the Innovation Center, Liu Bin, director of the Industry Cooperation Promotion Department, demonstrated the analog video of the newly developed "panoramic digital runway" system solution for partners.

"Ultra HD video technology has the advantage of being able to see clearly and far away. The obtained video images can be calculated by computer, and the risk factors in the process of taking off and landing can be predicted according to the data, thus reducing the safety risk." Liu Bin introduced that this solution has been provided to partners and applied to some domestic airports.

Ultra HD video technology can not be transformed and applied to more scenes without the construction of industry support service platform. The Innovation Center actively explores the promotion to relevant industries, develops application scenarios in airport operation, low airspace management, forest fire prevention and other fields, and provides system solutions for partners.

The UAV was launched vertically, and the camera picture was broadcast live in real time. Aiming at a point, the picture was slowly enlarged. In front of us, a squirrel was moving fast. Such equipment can not only find walking animals, but also find potential safety hazards. An ultra-high definition video camera has been installed to cooperate with 5G technology. The equipment system jointly developed by the Innovation Center and China Mobile is being put into the field of forest fire prevention.

Test and certification to ensure the stability and reliability of new technology

In order to ensure the stability and reliability of new technology, the testing link is particularly important. Yao Ping, director of the Innovation Center, introduced that the Center has set up a testing and certification platform and an UHD testing and certification laboratory to provide testing and certification, standard formulation, inspection and testing and other public services for enterprises related to the UHD industry chain.

With the application of optics, imaging, electronics and other technologies, the Center has formed a set of ultra-high definition video test system using various optical instruments, equipment and software systems. "After the test, we will feed back the data to relevant technical departments or enterprises for them to continuously improve the technical path and data," Yao said.

In the UHD test and certification laboratory, the professional codec standard related technology and equipment test certification and 5G+4K, 8K transmission verification platform have been established. Now, the laboratory can provide testing and certification services for equipment that supports the relevant technologies of professional video codec standards. At the same time, the laboratory can provide UHD video transmission test verification based on 5G environment, low orbit satellite chain and other different channels, different transmission bandwidth and different delay conditions.

After testing and certification of new technology, pilot scale incubation is indispensable for going to the market. In the innovation center, a set of pilot incubation platform is under construction. "To turn new technologies into new products, emerging enterprises often face problems of immature technologies and incomplete equipment." Yao Ping explained that enterprises in the UHD video industry chain often need cooperation and support from relevant enterprises in the supply chain after they have new technologies or prototypes. "If new technology goes to the market, it involves the supply of a whole set of equipment and systems such as recording, transmission and processing. We can help enterprises connect with relevant equipment suppliers, provide small production lines, and promote the leap from new technology to new products," Yao Ping said.

It not only provides technical support for the industry, but also actively "hands in hand" with downstream application oriented development enterprises. At present, the ultra-high definition science and technology innovation park jointly built by the Center and Chengdu High tech Zone is under preparation. In the future, a group of component manufacturing enterprises and system solution service providers will gather here. "We are expected to introduce about 30 enterprises to promote the application of ultra-high definition video technology in multiple fields," Yao said.

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