Xi Jinping Arrives at Nikola Tesla International Airport in Belgrade, Serbia and Delivers a Written Speech

Published: 2024-05-12 20:20 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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Xinhua News Agency, Belgrade, May 7

Written speech upon arrival at Nikola Tesla International Airport in Belgrade, Serbia

(Belgrade, May 7, 2024)

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

It gives me great pleasure to pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the gracious invitation of President Aleksandar Vucic. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to extend sincere greetings and best wishes to the friendly Serbian government and people.

The traditional friendship between China and Serbia is profound. The relationship between the two countries has withstood the test of international changes and set a good example of state to state relations. Since the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, bilateral relations have achieved leapfrog development and made historic achievements. The political mutual trust between the two countries is firm as a rock, and the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has yielded fruitful results. The two countries have successively achieved comprehensive visa exemption, opened direct flights, and signed free trade agreements. Personnel exchanges have become closer, and the iron friendship has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. China and Serbia firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns, jointly safeguard international fairness and justice, and have made positive contributions to promoting world peace and development. Based on equality and mutual benefit, China Serbia cooperation is in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries, injecting strong impetus into their respective development and revitalization, bringing benefits to the two peoples, and contributing to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

At a new historical starting point, the Chinese side is willing to work with the Serbian side to forge ahead hand in hand and forge a new situation of cooperation with stronger momentum, broader fields and higher quality. I look forward to taking this visit as an opportunity to have an in-depth exchange of views with President Wu Qiqi on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern, to discuss friendship, cooperation and development together, and to plan a new blueprint for the development of bilateral relations. I believe that this visit will certainly achieve fruitful results and write a new chapter in the development of China Serbia relations.

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