Anhui deepens the construction of smart public opinion perception system

[People's Public Security Daily] Collect social conditions and public opinions extensively, and strive to solve urgent problems and anxieties

Published: 2024-05-22 16:58 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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On May 9, Mr. Wang, who lives in Wuhu, Anhui Province, logged into the "Director Direct Train" of Wuhu Public Security Bureau on WeChat and told his troubles. It turns out that Mr. Wang lives in an old residential area in the center of the city, and the parking space is tight. Sometimes he drives around the residential area for several times without stopping anywhere.

Soon, this opinion of residents and other public opinions gathered in the Public Opinion Center of Wuhu Public Security Bureau, and then was assigned to the corresponding police departments by category, requiring a response within a time limit, closed loop processing, and timely feedback.

"Unexpectedly, the traffic police department contacted me the next day and invited me to go to the community as a resident representative to discuss ways to optimize parking spaces," Mr. Wang said. After multiple demonstrations and field visits, the traffic police department added several night parking spaces on the roads around the community, effectively alleviating the parking problem of residents.

The people have called, and I have responded. In recent years, Anhui public security insists on taking the people as the center, establishes and improves the working mechanism of "people have their voice and the police must respond", deepens the construction of public opinion perception system, makes every effort to create a new model of "public opinion policing", widely collects social sentiment and public opinion, further solidifies the foundation of public security at the grass-roots level, focuses on solving emergencies and hopes, and constantly meets the people's yearning for a better life.

Multi dimensional gathering of public sentiment and public opinion

On the "Chizhou People Network", an online forum with high popularity and many netizens in Chizhou, there is a hot special edition, which is a "face-to-face public security" police people interaction cloud platform created by Chizhou Public Security Bureau. Netizens speak freely here, and their questions can be answered quickly.

In view of the problem that many netizens concentrated on reflecting the noise of square dance on the platform, the leaders of the Responsibility Bureau of Chizhou Public Security Bureau convened the square dance organizers of the whole city to have a discussion and exchange, and studied and formulated practical solutions. After discussion and research, Chizhou Public Security Bureau launched measures such as installing decibel alarms at relevant points, installing sound insulation and noise reduction equipment for the sound, and establishing sound decibel files for the square dance team to promote the proper solution of the problem.

In September 2023, the "face-to-face public security" cloud platform will be upgraded to an intelligent public opinion perception system, which will fully collect online and offline public opinions and suggestions, innovate and expand the mechanism of law enforcement supervision and online public opinion integration, and more accurately carry out public opinion portraits. Not only Chizhou, but also all over Anhui, public opinion perception systems with system integration, resource concentration and means collection have sprung up.

On May 20 this year, when we entered the Public Opinion Perception Center of Huaibei Public Security Bureau, the auxiliary police of the police sat in front of the computer to sort out the data of civil complaints, public opinions and polls gathered from all directions, and handled them in a one-stop manner after receiving them.

"We have conducted full convergence and closed-loop processing of online messages such as the 12389 hotline for reporting complaints, the 12345 government service hotline, the mayor's mailbox, the director's mailbox, and the 'leaders' message board' on major websites." Song Baohua, a police officer, said that the public opinion perception system platform also converges police reception, case handling, traffic accidents Data related to four categories of window services and public security law enforcement service activities; Focusing on the city's public security management, road traffic safety, public security law enforcement, rule of law publicity and other aspects, we carried out a telephone survey of satisfaction, solicited public opinions and suggestions, and further optimized public security services.

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department has deployed 42 specific measures in 6 aspects to promote the implementation of these measures in the whole province, to maximize the overall planning of resources, to collect social sentiment and public opinion online and offline, and to help improve both police efficiency and public security satisfaction.

Respond to the concerns of the masses through multiple channels

Collect social conditions and public opinions to solve problems for the masses.

Anhui Provincial Public Security Department implements the working mechanism of "the people have their own voice and the police must respond", gathers social sentiment and public opinion from various channels, such as letters and visits, messages on the "Internet+Supervision" platform, and listens to the opinions and suggestions of the masses of enterprises in a regular manner. The police department shall feed back the handling situation within 3 working days after receiving the transferred matters, and realize closed-loop management from discovery to assignment, urging, supervision, disposal, feedback to the satisfaction of the masses.

"Unexpectedly, the public security organ has made a change because of one of my messages, and now it is much more convenient." Seeing the rapid response of the public security organ to the demands of the masses, Mr. Zhang praised this. Previously, Mr. Zhang went to the grass-roots police station to handle the household registration business. At that time, there were many clerks. After queuing up to complete the business, he received the satisfaction evaluation and return visit message sent by Suzhou Public Security Bureau, and immediately replied "dissatisfied". After receiving the reply, the Police Evaluation Center of Suzhou Public Security Bureau immediately contacted Mr. Zhang, asked the reason for dissatisfaction and asked for suggestions for improvement.

Practice has proved that the more comprehensive the public opinion perception is, the higher the efficiency of safeguarding security and the speed of police response, the higher the people's satisfaction will be.

Hefei Public Security Bureau handed over the right of evaluation and supervision of public security work to the masses by unblocking public opinion perception channels, strengthening assessment and incentive, and implementing regular visits. Up to now, Hefei Public Security Bureau Public Opinion Center has been in operation for more than three years. Since 2023, the center has sent more than 3.82 million short messages for police evaluation, conducted more than 246000 public opinion surveys, and collected more than 5200 opinions and suggestions from the public.

Multi measures to protect people's livelihood

The masses are the "source" of grassroots governance, and the vast number of people's hearts and minds gather the vast wisdom and strength of the people. Xu Haibo, a police officer of the Public Opinion Center of Anqing Public Security Bureau, has deep feelings about this: "The smart public opinion perception system has broken the limitation barrier of the past public opinion and suggestions scattered on different platforms, so that the public security organs can more comprehensively grasp the public demands and more flexibly promote their own reform and innovation."

2764 reasonable suggestions were collected at 1759 symposiums, and all of them were completed at the first time. This is a transcript of the person in charge of the municipal and county public security organs of Anhui Province who participated in the "Police Enterprise Forum" in 2023. On the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the needs of enterprises, the service was optimized, and the provincial public security organs built an online "Anhui Police Safety Business and Enterprise Protection Platform" to receive and distribute the demands of enterprises in a timely manner.

The work mechanism of "Online Police and People's Meeting Hall" deployed and established by the public security organ of Anhui Province since August 2022, integrates the rule of law publicity, conflict resolution, convenience services and other police work into the WeChat group to further open the channel for public opinion expression. At present, more than 9000 "online police and people's discussion groups" have closely linked more than 3 million enthusiastic people, and have become the "distribution center" for public security organs to master social conditions and public opinions, the "bridgehead" to resolve conflicts and disputes, the "heart to heart bridge" to serve the people, and the "gas station" to improve the grass-roots social governance ability.

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