[People's Public Security Daily] Shexian County Promotes Closed loop and Efficient Handling of Police Information

Published: 2024-05-21 16:56 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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Since this year, the public security organs in Shexian County, Anhui Province have focused on the construction of the police system of "cities and counties take the lead in fighting, and police stations take the lead in defending". By strengthening monitoring and early warning, improving the governance mechanism, we have done a deep and solid management of duplicate police cases, and effectively maintained the overall harmony and stability of social security.

Efficient linkage, co construction and co governance

On January 25, when getting back the salary that had been overdue for three years, Mr. Pan held the hands of the police of Huicheng Police Station of Shexian Public Security Bureau and repeatedly thanked them. Previously, Pan reported to the police for many times because Ye was in arrears with his salary. The command center of Shexian Public Security Bureau issued the Reminder Sheet for Repeated Police Treatment to Huicheng Police Station, where the police will continue to follow up with the Human Resources and Social Security Department to recover all the salary arrears.

Since this year, the public security organ of Shexian County has taken the duplicate police situation management as a powerful starting point to comprehensively promote the safety construction, adhered to the high station deployment, actively reported to the county party committee and government, and incorporated the duplicate police situation management into the "Party building+grassroots micro grid" platform of grassroots social governance, forming a joint construction and governance pattern that is integrated from top to bottom and highly efficient.

On this basis, Shexian Public Security promoted the internal and external "double circulation" mechanism of risk prevention and control to work together, broke the barriers of departmental linkage, established and improved the "double non" police situation diversion and handling mechanism, closed loop handling mechanism, the "daily review" working mechanism of police situation, implemented the requirements of "morning scheduling, immediate disposal, regular troubleshooting, and daily support", and set up special work shifts for repeated police situation for major conflicts and disputes, Implement tracking and resolution, realize work closed-loop, and ensure that hidden dangers are cleared.

Prevention in advance and classified disposal

The Shexian Public Security Bureau insists on pre prevention and front end resolution, comprehensively combs the repeated alarm situation by relying on the 110 police receiving and handling system, and establishes the weekly report of police information research and judgment and other standing books, and immediately pushes the relevant information to the security brigade and local police station for hierarchical evaluation, classified disposal, and dynamic clearing in different periods. Since this year, the command center of Shexian County Public Security Bureau has made early warning, relevant police and police stations have handled 6 potential risks, realizing that major potential risks can be prevented and controlled.

At the beginning of April, people reported a gambling event in Shexian County for many times. Shexian County police destroyed the gambling dens on April 16 through in-depth research and judgment, and arrested 30 gamblers on the scene.

The Shexian County Public Security Bureau, in accordance with the requirements of "one case, one file" and "one case, one policy", has targeted precisely and carried out key research on repeated reports of public security chaos, pornography and casino locations. From January to the end of April this year, the public security organs of the whole county destroyed 20 gambling dens, investigated and dealt with 6 places involving pornography, 17 criminal cases and 60 administrative cases.

Regularly return visit and improve the mechanism

In February this year, Mr. Fang and Mr. Yao had a dispute due to emotional problems and reported to the police for many times. The Jiekou police station of Shexian Public Security Bureau joined forces with the force of mass prevention and mass governance to do door-to-door work for many times to prevent conflicts and disputes from escalating.

The public security organs in Shexian County insist on making continuous efforts in prevention, investigation and mediation, and improve the efficiency of controlling the source of repeated police cases. Huicheng police station independently developed the "police network E-governance" platform to strengthen the collection and closed-loop disposal of contradictions and disputes; Other local police stations promote the construction of "outposts" for the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, integrate "party building+micro grid", integrate "police grid+grid", coordinate and organize social forces such as grass-roots party members and cadres, grid officers, lawyers, and local people to carry out investigation and resolution work. Since this year, the county's public security organs have found and handled 12 major and complex contradictions and disputes, all of which have been successfully mediated.

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