Short sighting on the roof of the women's building, the police urged them to save

Published: 2024-05-20 16:54 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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"Someone wants to jump off a 27 storey building in a community." At 11:55 on May 10, the Chengdong Police Station of Taihe County Public Security Bureau in Anhui Province received an emergency order of 110. The police situation is urgent and human life is at stake. The auxiliary police of the police station on duty quickly arrived at the scene, and the fire rescue force also arrived later. At the scene of the incident, a woman was sitting on the edge of the top of the 27th floor building. She was very excited and asked the police to keep 10 meters away from her.

The woman's hanging feet are more than 80 meters high. Once she falls out of control, the fire rescue air cushion on the ground will not help. In order to rescue the woman as soon as possible, the police immediately requested support from the police station. Soon, Fan Tao, a police station instructor with experience in handling complex police situations, arrived at the scene.

"How about you pour out all the grievances in your heart?" Fan Tao identified himself and told the woman that he was willing to help her solve the problem. His kind words eased the woman's mood. After the deadlock for more than 10 minutes, Yang, a woman, cried to Fan Tao. It turned out that she was the defendant involved in economic disputes for her relatives, and would face the court's enforcement of property. Therefore, she had conflicts with her family, so she had the idea of suicide. In order to gain Yang's trust, Fan Tao immediately contacted the court to state the special situation, and agreed to work with Yang together with the judge and the other party to agree on a proper solution to the problem. After a sincere persuasion, Fan Tao took the opportunity to approach Yang.

"If there is a problem, let's face it and solve it together..." Under Fan Tao's constant persuasion, Yang gradually untied his heart knot. Fan Tao quickly stepped forward, grabbed Yang's arm and pulled him back safely. Later, Fan Tao and the auxiliary police of the police called Yang, her husband, mother and others to the police station. Through heart to heart persuasion, the estrangement and misunderstanding between Yang and his relatives were eliminated. Yang and his family repeatedly thanked the police for saving their lives.

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