Jinghu "alarm" scenic area is safer

Published: 2024-05-14 21:38 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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Wuhu Ancient City Scenic Area is a picturesque city with neon flashing. In the flow of people, the patrolling auxiliary police and volunteer police teams shuttled among them, adding a sense of security to the masses. As the tourism market continues to heat up, the Jinghu Branch of Wuhu Public Security Bureau deepens its efforts in tourism policing, promotes the forward movement of policing and scientific police deployment, fully protects the safety of the scenic spot, and constantly improves the safety and satisfaction of tourists and citizens.

In recent years, the urban construction of Wuhu has been accelerated, and the renovated Binjiang Park has become more attractive. In order to guard the safety of the scenic spot, Jinghu Branch moved the police work forward to the scenic spot and tourists, and set up more than 10 scenic spot police stations, police rooms and alarm signs in Binjiang Park to facilitate tourists to call the police nearby for help. At the same time, they are actively building a patrol mode combining drone air patrol, special patrol police vehicle patrol, and police assisted patrol. Since the summer of 2023, Jinghu Branch has integrated all departments and police forces of all teams. On the basis of deploying special patrol teams to be stationed and on duty, it has arranged the branch legal comprehensive team, criminal investigation team, economic investigation team, war defense joint service center and police forces of all police stations to be on duty in the scenic spot from 19:00 to 23:00 every day, effectively improving the rate of seeing police and managing affairs in the scenic spot.

Jinghu Branch took the initiative to participate in the "safe scenic spot" plan launched by the District Party Committee and the District Government, played the role of "party committee leadership, street coordination, diversified mediation, and rule of law guidance", and promoted the source resolution and diversified solution of conflicts and disputes. Since July 2023, the Special Patrol Brigade of Jinghu Branch and Dongmen Police Station have coordinated with relevant departments to establish a working mechanism of "100 merchants' joint defense" and WeChat working groups such as "online police and people's conference hall". More than 900 people have become "group friends" in the "online police and people's conference hall". More than 150 shop assistants have become joint defense members, and the police and people have worked together to create a safe, orderly and public security environment in the scenic spot. On February 26, a restaurant in the ancient city renovated its storefront, and there was a conflict with the adjacent stores due to noise. Sister Zhao, a joint defense team member, immediately reflected the situation in the WeChat work group. Under the mediation of Dongmen Police Station and Gucheng Community Neighborhood Committee, the two sides shook hands and made peace.

"Thank you, the police in Wuhu are so warm!" On March 12, several tourists visiting the Jiangdong Water Ecological Park in Wuhu thanked the police on duty. It turned out that the tourists could not get in touch with their companions after they were separated. They found their companions after asking for help from the police on duty. Unfamiliar road conditions, physical discomfort, loss of goods... In view of the police situation involving tourism, Jinghu Branch implements the joint policing mechanism of "civilian police+special patrol police+traffic police", and each police station, special patrol police and traffic police brigade jointly perform duty and deal with the police situation. The Shenshan Park Scenic Area under the jurisdiction of Zhelu Police Station is densely forested. While the police are stationed on duty, the special patrol police and traffic police patrol the scenic area irregularly. There are also "Park Police Office" and "Mobile Police Station" in the scenic area to provide services for tourists.

Since 2023, the number of public security police cases in the scenic spots under the jurisdiction of Jinghu Branch has decreased by 65% year on year, and the number of dispute police cases has decreased by 78% year on year. The sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses has further improved.

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