There is no trivial matter for enterprises to create a legal business environment

Published: 2024-05-16 21:37 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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Since 2023, Wuhu Public Security Bureau has adhered to the guidance of "building the most beautiful police force cohesion to achieve peace and" Wuhu excellence ", continued to deepen the" one change and two actions ", focused on the" urgent difficulties and anxieties "of enterprises, and face-to-face" listening to the voice of enterprises, asking for their needs, and solving their concerns ", adhering to the concept of" nothing is trivial for enterprises ", and really served enterprises well, Help the city's business environment to be continuously optimized.

Focusing on "service innovation" and creating an excellent business environment, "offer practical solutions". Establish a leading group of the city's public security organs to "serve the enterprise", set up a special work team, rely on the "1+N+3" operation mode ("1" leading group takes the lead, "N" responsible police departments are responsible for the division of labor, and the city, county (district), and grass-roots police stations are linked at three levels), mobilize the police resources, and escort the high-quality development of enterprises in Wuhu; 21 "special windows for enterprises" will be set up in the public security windows of municipal and county government affairs centers to provide "one-stop" services for enterprises and "priority" services for senior talents. Green channels such as "door-to-door", "urgent" and "instant" will be opened for enterprises and key projects with urgent needs. In 2023, the city will provide more than 600 green channel services for enterprises, benefiting more than 480 enterprises and 5700 employees; Establish 11 "police offices serving enterprises" in key enterprises and large parks in the city, further integrate resources, move forward, and press the "acceleration key" to protect enterprises. For parks with large domestic and foreign enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, the "police office serving enterprises" actively contacted the management committee and enterprise units, promoted the creation of a new "four in one" park management service model of "management committee+police station+police office+enterprises", visited more than 550 enterprises, successfully handled 85 complex contradictions involving enterprises, and issued more than 300 residence permits.

The Traffic Police Detachment of Wuhu Public Security Bureau launched a new "mobile vehicle management office" technical service mode in the province for the first time, which is based on wireless technology and guaranteed by data security isolation to realize wireless data transmission. Actively change shift work into active service, bring "scientific and technological innovation" into the enterprise, transfer "vehicle management brand" to the enterprise, and realize the new service mode of "ordering on demand" of the enterprise and "precise distribution" of the vehicle management office. Since its launch on August 14, 2023, it has successively entered into Chery New Energy, Wuwei Public Transport Company, Yuntai Transport Company, Jetta Driving School and other enterprises, and has traveled all over the cities and counties. A total of 730 cars from 10 enterprises have been inspected at home, saving about 1.5 million yuan for the vehicle enterprises in total; The "Anxin Wuyou" road traffic accident cloud processing platform is a software development project based on the WeChat applet platform. It sends WeChat applet links through SMS, and the backstage agents use video calls to intercept the images of people and vehicles from both sides of the accident. After OCR identification, accurate identification and automatic comparison with the national treasury's people, vehicles, insurance and other information, After the information collection is completed, the police can make the accident identification online and push it to both parties simultaneously. Solve the pain points of "less police force, slow alarm, small accidents, large congestion, long cycle, slow identification, and complex loss determination and claim settlement", and achieve the win-win effect of "small innovation, easy defecation, saving police force convergence, and ensuring smooth traffic and preventing accidents". The project will be officially put into use in the main urban area in June 2023 and expanded to the whole city in August. At present, the system handles 117 accidents per day by means of remote video fast processing, accounting for 48.6% of the total accidents.

Focus on "enterprise demand" and create an excellent business environment. Promote the information sharing of vehicle purchase tax, compulsory traffic insurance, motor vehicle inspection report, etc., realize the "submission free" handling of vehicle and driving management business materials, so that enterprises can experience "no sense connection" in handling items. In 2023, 72686 vehicle purchase tax submissions and 443510 insurance businesses will be exempted. The application channel of "12123" electronic password app was opened, and online applications were received and issued by enterprises and the masses. The background of the Traffic Management Network Office Center accepted and approved the application, realizing "more data running, less masses running". 32331 passwords have been issued accumulatively, including more than 20000 enterprise passwords.

The "one enterprise, one policy" approach was adopted to provide one-on-one "priority" services for senior talents of enterprises, to meet the needs of "high, precision and top" talents to the maximum extent. More than 1000 businesses were handled for talents from 10 key enterprises, including Chery and Xinyi PV. We carried out the "direct train for household administration" to enter enterprises and campuses, and focused on promoting policies such as talent introduction, household registration transfer, and residence permit handling for migrant workers and college graduates, helping more than 300 people successfully settle in Wuhu and truly extending public security services to the "last mile".

Sort out the public security government affairs service items and core links, further simplify the handling materials, and reduce the approval time limit. The number of public security window handling links has been reduced from 3.94 to 3.17, and the average business handling time has been reduced from 6.15 working days to 3.7 working days, significantly reducing the frequency of people traveling back and forth. The city has reasonably planned and set up 9 security officer certificate examination points, equipped with professional personnel and equipment, implemented the integrated services of registration, review, fingerprint entry, examination and certificate issuance, and achieved "certificate issuance upon arrival". 3262 security officer certificates have been issued.

Focusing on "service expansion" and creating an excellent business environment "see actual results". Learn from the advanced experience of Huzhou, Changzhou and other places, and issue the "20 Measures for the Development of the First Industry (New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicles) of Public Security System Service Guarantee in the City" to provide powerful services for the first industry, such as opening special business windows, opening new routes for intelligent connected vehicles road testing, and improving new methods for enterprise credit repair, Accelerate to build a new highland for the development of new energy and intelligent connected vehicle industry, the first industry of public security service guarantee. In 2023, the first batch of intelligent networking test roads were released to provide enterprises with temporary licensing services for test vehicles, mainly including some roads in the Economic Development Zone and Yijiang District, with a total test length of 48.6 kilometers in both directions. In July 2023, after full research and demonstration by the joint team, the second batch of five open test roads were released, with a total length of 95 kilometers in both directions, involving multiple regional roads in Jinghu District, Jiujiang District, and the Economic Development Zone, to help the high-quality development of the industry. On the morning of August 8, 2023, Wuhu Vehicle Management Office issued the first temporary license plate for the test vehicle of autonomous driving of intelligent connected vehicles. Up to now, 8 temporary license plates of intelligent connected vehicles have been handled.

Innovate and establish the mechanism of "police enterprise liaison officer", and optimize the form of contact visits. (Except for special alarm) Before going to the enterprise to carry out work, you must report to the "liaison officer" who is responsible for docking with the enterprise. The "liaison officer" should make a good docking with the enterprise. No public security organ at any level should disturb the enterprise without reporting in advance. The enterprise should go where it needs to go, so as to ensure that "nothing bothers, calls must be answered, quality and efficiency" is really achieved. Wuhu Public Security has launched the "Director Direct Train Public Voice Echo Station" and set up a special work team to work together with the offline "Police Enterprise Liaison Officer" to receive opinions and suggestions from enterprises 24 hours a day. Broaden the channels for people to report and complain, and ensure that "people will respond when they call", so that enterprises and the masses can truly feel the public security organs' concern and attention to public opinion. Since its launch in November 2023, it has received 447 messages from corporate masses, 277 problems solved, and 170 comments and suggestions.

The 27th day of each month will be built into a gold lettered signboard of Wuhu public security for "Enterprise Love Day", to ensure business and protect enterprises and benefit people's livelihood. The leaders of the municipal and county bureaus led a team to visit enterprises, and held a symposium on the theme of "the first industry and private enterprises follow the" enterprise "and escort the development" on the same day. They listened to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises face to face, understood the development demands, and solved the problems that could be solved on the spot, and those that could not be solved immediately, established a list of problems, and passed the transfer, follow-up, supervision We will close the loop by means of return visit, use our emotions to solve the concerns and difficulties of enterprises, ensure that "asking for the needs of enterprises, asking for the plans of enterprises, asking for the effects of enterprises", and actively create a "Wuhu Public Security" model that optimizes the business environment based on the rule of law. In 2023, the city carried out more than 90 "Love Enterprise Day" activities, collected more than 800 appeals and solved more than 750 problems.

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