Anhui severely cracked down on illegal crimes of "drag racing and street bombing"

Published: 2024-05-05 22:12 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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In order to crack down on the illegal and criminal activities of "drag racing and street bombing", the Traffic Police Corps of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department issued a notice, deciding to organize special actions to crack down on the illegal and criminal acts of "drag racing and street bombing" in the province from the middle of April to the end of September.

This special action focused on the problems of "drag racing to bomb the streets", disturbing people and committing crimes, focused on two wheeled motorcycles, "drag racing to bomb the streets" vehicles reported by the masses and other key vehicles, anchored illegal modifications, speeding, chasing racing, unlicensed and unlicensed, and focused on cracking down on a number of "drag racing to bomb the streets" criminal gangs and personnel, A number of illegally assembled and modified vehicles were seized, and a number of illegally modified dens were investigated and dealt with. During the operation, the traffic police throughout Anhui will strengthen synthetic warfare, coordinate joint governance, and strike accurately, closely link multiple police types and departments, accurately trace and arrange clues to problems, strengthen video patrols on key road sections and time periods, timely detect and focus on "drag racing" and other illegal and criminal acts, and pay close attention to the illegal modification of electric bicycles to participate in "drag racing", Strictly punish illegal enterprises according to law, and earnestly check the source of modification.

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