Anhui Province Holds Joint Conference on Road Traffic Safety

Published: 2024-04-26 19:45 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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In the afternoon of April 26, the provincial joint conference on road traffic safety held a provincial video conference to summarize the road traffic safety management work since this year, report the results of the provincial road traffic safety risk grading assessment in the first quarter of this year, continue to promote the "reduction and control of large" work of accident prevention, and spare no effort to maintain the stability of the provincial road traffic safety situation in the second quarter, especially the May Day holiday. Qian Sanxiong, Vice Governor, convener of the Provincial Joint Conference on Road Traffic Safety and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, attended and delivered a speech.

Since this year, all regions and departments in the province have adhered to the principle of "people first, life first", successfully completed the traffic security tasks of major events and important nodes such as New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the National People's Congress and the Provincial People's Congress, and Tomb Sweeping Day, and worked together to ensure the security of large flow and low temperature, snow, and freezing weather, so that the road traffic safety situation in the province remains generally stable.

Next, all localities and departments should accurately grasp the key points of road traffic safety management, be highly alert to the risks and challenges brought by the changes in the travel structure of personnel, the production and transportation of key vehicles, the surge in high-speed traffic flow, the weak management of transport enterprises and other factors, adhere to the bottom line thinking, problem orientation, precise measures, and targeted efforts, We will firmly fight and win the battle of traffic security in the second quarter, and create a more safe and smooth road traffic environment for people to travel during the May Day holiday.

It is necessary to focus on the goal and task of "focusing on management, ensuring smooth safety, focusing on service and promoting development", deeply promote the "reduction and control of road traffic accidents", and resolutely ensure that the road traffic safety situation in the province continues to improve. First, we need to highlight front-end governance and strengthen risk prevention and control. We will improve the regular video inspection, monitoring and early warning mechanism of expressways, implement the "one way and multi way" cooperation, strictly investigate and control illegal traffic behaviors such as illegal passenger carrying, drunken driving, and fatigue driving of electric tricycles, and crack down on illegal crimes such as "drag racing and street bombing" throughout the chain. Second, we need to highlight dynamic governance and strengthen the remediation of hidden dangers. Regularly carry out sorting and troubleshooting of road traffic safety hazards, deepen the application of risk portraits of key enterprises, vehicles and drivers, and continue to carry out the dynamic "clearing" action of key vehicles and drivers. Third, we need to highlight precise governance and strengthen capacity building. Deeply promote the deep integration of big data, artificial intelligence and road traffic safety management, dynamically assess road traffic safety risks in the county, and constantly improve the level of professional and refined governance. Fourth, we should highlight system governance and strengthen coordination. We will press on local management, department supervision, and corporate responsibility, implement cooperation mechanisms such as "police, road, insurance, mail, telecommunications, media, and school", vigorously carry out the pilot of classified transportation and treatment of traffic accident victims, pool the overall joint force of road traffic safety management, and ensure that the provincial road traffic environment is always stable and orderly.

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