Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held the party committee (enlarged) meeting and the party building work leading group meeting to study and deploy the party discipline learning and education work

Published: 2024-04-22 21:46 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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On the morning of April 20, the Provincial Party Committee held the (enlarged) meeting of the Department's Party Committee and the meeting of the Department's Party building work leading group to thoroughly study the spirit of important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on carrying out party discipline learning and education, the spirit of the meeting of the Party building leading group of the Central and Provincial Party Committees, the spirit of the (enlarged) meeting of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, The Implementation Plan for Party Discipline Learning and Education of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department was reviewed and passed, and the party discipline learning and education work was studied and deployed. Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting stressed that we should improve our position, build consensus, and constantly enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to promote high-quality party discipline learning and education. We should deeply realize that carrying out the study and education of party discipline is the proper meaning of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, the inevitable requirement of better performing our duties and missions, and the practical need of building a strong public security iron army. We should earnestly improve our political position, strengthen our responsibility, and promote the in-depth and practical study and education of party discipline in the provincial public security system. It is necessary to grasp the key points and highlight the key points to ensure that the requirements of Party discipline learning and education are implemented. We should focus on thematic learning, case warning, inspection, rectification and coordination, focus on the core and key tasks, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various measures. We should strengthen the guarantee and compact the responsibility, and make every effort to promote the Party discipline learning and education to achieve actual results. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, compact responsibilities, strengthen publicity and guidance, strengthen strict work style, and strive for actual results. The members of the Party Committee of the Department and the "top leaders" of all headquarters and offices should play the role of "key minority", take the lead in setting an example and leading the way, organize meticulously, and promote the high-quality completion of various tasks of Party discipline learning and education.

The second level inspector of the department and cadres at the corresponding level, the deputy leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the department, and the heads of all units directly under the department (chief, director, director) attended the meeting.

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