Anhui: "Single point teaching" to improve the quality and effectiveness of practical training

Published: 2024-04-19 21:11 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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"The auxiliary police of grass-roots front-line combat police still have weaknesses in vehicle inventory, drunken police handling and other aspects, and hope that this teaching can help us make up for this lesson." Recently, after understanding the needs of Anqing public security organs for teaching, the teaching team organized by the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department communicated with Anqing People's Police Training School in a timely manner, asking for needs, determining content, and adjusting officers, Develop a personalized teaching program to deliver an accurate teaching lesson to Anqing police.

16 prefectures and cities, 72 counties and districts, 286 grass-roots units and teams raised demands, and more than 80 police practical instructors went to various places to send their teachers to their homes... Starting in February this year, a special education sending activity lasting for two months was carried out in Anhui police camps.

"Different from the previous teaching activities, this innovative" single order teaching "has been carried out, allowing the teaching site to order according to the needs of the lack, and then the teaching team to give targeted group training and teaching, effectively changing the past model of" what I give you, what you learn ", so that the teaching objects can choose their own topics based on actual needs, and" order "." Introduction by the person in charge of the Education and Training Department of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department.

"According to the deployment requirements of the Provincial Public Security Department, we communicated with the teaching place in advance before sending the students to school, fully investigated the needs, and sent the students to their homes." On February 21, in view of the actual level and ability shortcomings of the students in the "Young Eagle Class" of Huangshan Public Security Bureau, the teaching team carried out targeted teaching around ground bare handed control technology, police use and other contents. "This time, it was like a timely rain, which provided us with targeted questions and answers, and we got a lot!" said Shi Hanlin, a student of the "Young Eagle Class" of Huangshan Public Security Bureau who participated in the training.

The key to test the quality and efficiency of teaching activities is to make teaching accurately reach the needs of the grassroots. How to ensure the maximum effect of practical training after "ordering" at the grass-roots level? The key is for the teaching team to fight with the police.

"Keep a safe distance from the suspect. The smallest combat unit should advance and retreat at the same time, so as to respond to emergencies at any time..." On February 2, in Shitai County, the instructor of the teaching team was teaching the tactics and tactics of the smallest combat unit to the police of Renli Police Station of Shitai County Public Security Bureau.

In the preliminary investigation, Chizhou Public Security Bureau hopes to carry out special education on the Spring Festival transportation guarantee. For this reason, the teaching team, in view of the large turnover of personnel and the heavy pressure on traffic management during the Spring Festival Movement, took the grass-roots combat units as the combat points with the police, focused on training the minimum combat unit tactical warfare, vehicle inspection and control, unarmed control and lead away, and accurately found weaknesses to carry out on-site teaching.

"We have always adhered to the concept of teaching by leading the training with war to promote the integration of training and war and ensure the effectiveness of actual combat. We have moved the teaching classroom to the front line of actual combat by fighting with the police, to help the front line actual combat units find out the problems and supplement the weak points to the maximum extent." said the person in charge of the Education and Training Department of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department.

It is the "breaking" and "establishing" of Anhui public security to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training to break the inherent training mode and create a new teaching path.

In Suzhou, the teaching team carried out teaching and training around the police practice teaching method and the physical ability of single police; In Bengbu, the teaching team subdivided the training objects, and tailored training courses for junior instructors at the grass-roots level; In Chuzhou, the teaching team designed a characteristic course of unarmed and police equipment application in combination with the "Demonstration Training Corner"; In Wuhu, the teaching team carefully taught around the handling of drunken alcohol police cases... The basic level police ordered orders on demand, and the instructor team sent teachers to their homes. The two-way "order" mode further improved the quality and effectiveness of practical training.

It is reported that the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department is currently focusing on excellent instructors, high-quality courses and superior platforms to jointly build a practical working mechanism for sharing services, actively create high-quality resources for education and training, and strive to polish the distinctive brand of Anhui public security education.

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