Anhui Provincial Public Security Department conveys, studies and implements the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the National "Two Sessions"

Published: 2024-03-16 17:48 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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In the afternoon of March 14, the Party Committee of Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held the (expanded) meeting of the Department's Party Committee and the (expanded) learning meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group, to convey and study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the National "Two Sessions" and the spirit of the National "Two Sessions", earnestly implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security on studying and implementing the spirit of the National "Two Sessions", Study the implementation measures of the provincial public security system. Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that this National "Two Sessions" was an important meeting held in the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five Year Plan". It was important to mobilize the cadres and the masses to further pool their wisdom and strength into the strategic deployment determined by the CPC Central Committee and strive to complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, It is of great significance to greet the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements.

The meeting stressed that the provincial public security system should take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the National "Two Sessions", especially the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, as an important political task for the current and future period, integrate the spirit of the National "Two Sessions" into the post, reflect it in action, and specifically into practice, and transform it into a strong driving force for hard work, effective solutions to problems Practical measures to strive for excellence. We should grasp the political direction, achieve consensus and forge ahead firmly. Highlight ideological leadership, political leadership and organizational leadership, and implement the requirements of the Ministry Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on public security work in all aspects and links in all fields. We should firmly grasp the political requirements for forging an iron army of public security, always support the core, always keep the original intention, focus on the center, and keep the people's hearts firmly, so as to ensure that the requirements for political police building are implemented. We should take the quasi value orientation to ensure that the people call and the police respond. Keep in mind the solemn commitment of the people's public security to serve the people, closely adhere to the focus of "working for civil affairs", further optimize the service supply, further deepen the sound mechanism, and further refine the special governance; We have the courage to break down the interference in favor, relationship, face and other aspects, and have the courage to be selfless, forge ahead, work hard, and struggle in the unswerving promotion of the "three justice", so that the people can feel fairness and justice in every case handling and every matter handling. We should be guided by the principle of "quasi implementation", and be responsible and faithful. Adhere to the bottom line of political security, coordinate and promote the prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes, the construction of public security under the rule of law, the handling of police related letters and visits, public security management, public security reform and innovation, the cultivation of new quality public security combat effectiveness, and the crackdown on prominent crimes around the masses, so as to make the people feel better, more sustainable and happy The sense of security is more guaranteed. We should aim at the correct style of work, and ensure that the style is excellent, clean and transparent. Consciously compare with the positioning of "executor, activist and doer", and improve the ability to implement, enforce the law impartially, and resist corruption. Consciously put the public security work under the sun, on the table, in the rules, and under supervision, seriously investigate and correct all kinds of violations and disciplines, and seriously deal with all kinds of illegal acts, so as to ensure that the team is absolutely loyal, reliable, and pure.

The second level inspector of the department and cadres at the corresponding level, the deputy leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the department, and the heads of all units directly under the department (chief, director, director) attended the meeting.

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