Anhui Provincial Public Security Department launched 36 measures to help create a first-class legal business environment

Published: 2024-03-07 17:51 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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On March 7, Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held a press conference, Second level inspector of Provincial Public Security Department, main person in charge of the office Liu Zhiping Introduce 36 practical measures taken by the provincial public security system to actively participate in building a first-class legal business environment, Person in charge of relevant police Attend the press conference And answered questions from journalists on relevant issues.

stay Abide by the law, be fair and just, and standardize the law enforcement of public security related enterprises in the whole process On the other hand, Anhui Provincial Public Security Department promotes the provincial public security system Establish a standardized enterprise related crime reporting center to promote the "one-stop" acceptance of enterprise related crime cases; Implement the economic impact assessment mechanism of enterprise related criminal cases to minimize the negative impact of judicial activities on the normal production and operation of enterprises; Implement a system of upgrading and reviewing major criminal cases involving enterprises, involving provincial and industrial priorities Major sensitive cases shall be reviewed by the Provincial Public Security Department; Vigorously promote the "sunshine freezing" of the accounts involved in the case, and prohibit the freezing beyond the authority, scope, amount and time limit; Deeply promote the rapid investigation, handling and settlement of enterprise related cases, solve cases as quickly as possible, and minimize the impact of cases on the production and operation of enterprises; All law enforcement actions involving corporate social credit shall be subject to the five level review system of "local police station - business police - legal department - director in charge - director"

stay The gateway moves forward and cooperates with each other to organize the enterprise defense network in a whole time and space On the one hand, the public security organs guide enterprises to take strict internal security precautions, and help enterprises improve civil defense, physical defense, and technical defense measures; Establish an enterprise related risk early warning notice release system, and regularly release early warning notices to the public for risk warning; For enterprise projects with frequent police cases, strengthen the troubleshooting and resolution of potential contradictions and hazards related to enterprises, and eliminate potential hazards in a timely manner; Strengthen the perception of criminal risks of business secrets, guide enterprises to build a criminal protection system for business secrets, and carry out warning education for employees; Strengthen the network security protection of key networked enterprises and hold the red line of enterprise network security; For "going global" enterprises, it provides 24-hour online services for Anhui police to understand demands, respond to inquiries and publicize policies in real time; Set up "light cavalry" for Anhui police security, business and enterprise protection, and carry out safety prevention publicity for enterprises.

stay Strict rectification and meticulous protection to purify the social security environment in all fields In terms of accuracy Cracking down on all kinds of crimes against enterprises and protecting the healthy development and safe operation of enterprises; Strengthen the prevention and attack of duty crimes within enterprises, and help enterprises improve their ability to prevent risks of duty crimes; Carry out the action of "protecting enterprises with police shield" in the online business environment to create a clear network space for the production and operation of enterprises; Set up police liaison officers for intellectual property criminal protection for enterprises vulnerable to intellectual property crimes, and establish a rapid response mechanism for intellectual property criminal protection; Establish a mechanism to quickly recover stolen goods and recover damages in enterprise related cases, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises to the greatest extent.

stay Put your heart into your heart, optimize the service, and solve the urgent problems and anxieties in the whole scene In terms of, the provincial public security system Build a "Anhui police security business and enterprise protection platform" to receive and distribute the reasonable demands of enterprises in a timely manner; Fully serve the "first industry" of automobiles, and promote the coordinated development of intelligent transportation and intelligent connected vehicles; Establish an integrated alliance of public security and government affairs services for the people and enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, and promote more high-frequency businesses to be accepted in the Yangtze River Delta with the same standards and handled without discrimination; For newly settled enterprises, the public security organ will actively provide "package" services within one week; Promote Anhui merchants outside the province to "guard Anhui police all the way", grasp the situation of overseas investment in Anhui merchants in real time, collect appeals and criminal risks; Carry out the talent service plan of "Nesting and Attracting Phoenix" to support the innovation and entrepreneurship of introduced foreign talents in Anhui to the maximum extent; Implement the "safe, smooth and worry free" traffic project to ensure the safety and smoothness of road traffic at surrounding key nodes and peak hours; Meticulously serve the business exhibition performance activities and "peace of mind tourism", and achieve all-weather, customized, guarded and pre service management; Expand the "online+offline+mobile" service channels to achieve more convenient services; Deepen "one thing, one time" and realize "one-stop" handling of high-frequency issues; Accelerate the implementation of visa free 144 hour transit policy for foreigners in our province, and further facilitate entry and exit management services.
stay Open channels, close loop implementation, and build a pro clean police enterprise in an all-round way relationship On the one hand, Anhui public security organs have established and improved the working mechanism of "enterprises have calls, and the police must respond". They have proposed to deal with all kinds of appeals of the enterprise masses within a limited time, and strictly implement the closed-loop mechanism; Establish and improve the working mechanism of "getting there when you have something to do, getting there when you have nothing to do" to minimize the cross entry, repeated entry and frequent entry of enterprises at different times and different police types; Establish a publicity and selection mechanism for public security business environment policy cases, quarterly Carry out case selection for the provincial, municipal and county public security systems to stimulate the enthusiasm of the police service; We will strengthen the supervision and evaluation of public security management services, eliminate unnecessary concerns, break unnecessary restrictions, and establish a new, clear and unified relationship between police and enterprises in both directions.
In the next step, Anhui Provincial Public Security Department will focus on the implementation of Several Measures, ensure that promises will be implemented, promote the creation of a better and better first-class legal business environment, constantly optimize service measures, and escort high-quality economic development in Anhui Province.
At the press conference, the relevant police officers of the Provincial Public Security Department communicated on the issues concerned by the reporters on the spot:

Legal Daily Fan Tianjiao: Several Measures of the Provincial Public Security System to Help Create a First class Legal Business Environment proposed to "build a standardized enterprise related crime reporting center" in the whole process of standardizing enterprise related law enforcement. Please introduce the content of this measure, and how to report as a victim enterprise?

Zhang Zujun, head of the Economic Investigation Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department: In order to solve the prominent problems such as the difficulty in reporting, accepting and filing economic crime cases, and to serve and optimize the business environment, Anhui Provincial Public Security Department actively promotes the reform of economic crime case acceptance, innovatively establishes the construction of economic crime case reception (filing) center, and constructs a new working mode of "centralized case reception, closed-loop management, full process tracking, and sunshine law enforcement", We have effectively remedied persistent problems such as illegal interference in the administration of justice, failure to establish cases, and failure to investigate cases. By the end of 2023, a total of 16 municipal public security organs and 62 county (city, district) public security organs in the province have established and put into operation economic crime reporting centers. This year, the Provincial Public Security Department decided to rely on the established economic crime reporting center in the province to promote the reform of enterprise related crime reporting, build a standardized enterprise related crime reporting center, and realize the "one-stop" acceptance of enterprise related crime cases. The first is to expand the scope of economic crime reporting center to accept cases, from only accepting economic crime cases involving enterprises to other types of enterprise related crime cases. The second is to set up a special window for enterprise related case acceptance in the Economic Crime Reception Center to accept the consultation and report of enterprises; If no special window can be set up, priority shall be given to on-site consultation and case reporting of enterprises. The third is to improve the operation mechanism of the Economic Crime Reporting Center, connect the enterprise related non economic cases accepted by the Reporting Center, and transfer them to the relevant police departments in a timely manner after being reviewed by the legal department, so as to achieve "one-stop" acceptance, closed-loop processing, and leave traces throughout the process. Fourth, we will further strengthen the supervision, inspection and assessment of the law enforcement of the Economic Crime Reporting Center, identify problems in a timely manner, and rectify them in a timely manner. Any complaint or petition caused by prevarication and acceptance of cases, which is verified to be true, shall be seriously investigated and held accountable.

Liang Mingxing, CCTV Anhui Terminal: It is said that Anhui is actively striving for the visa free policy of 144 hour transit for foreigners. What positive role will the policy play in optimizing the business environment of Anhui after its implementation?
Li Yingjun, the second level police commissioner of the Provincial Public Security Department and the director of the Exit Entry Administration Division: In recent years, the provincial party committee and government have conscientiously implemented the guiding spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on his visit to Anhui, actively promoted the high-level opening and high-quality development of Anhui, compared with Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and has been striving for the 144 hour transit visa free policy for foreigners to be implemented in Anhui. At present, this work has made important progress and will be implemented after the announcement of the National Immigration Administration.
The 144 hour transit visa free policy for foreigners refers to that 54 countries who meet the scope of transit visa free can enter or leave China at the relevant open ports and stay in fixed administrative areas for no more than 144 hours with their valid international travel documents and connecting tickets to a third country (region) with a confirmed date and seat.
As an important member of the national strategy for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the implementation of the 144 hour transit visa free policy in our province will be more conducive to improving the policy synergy in the Yangtze River Delta region, promoting the smooth flow of factors in a larger range, and promoting the high-quality development of the regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta.
In recent years, Anhui has adhered to the core position of innovation, accelerated the construction of the scientific and technological innovation force system, and implemented the 144 hour transit visa free policy in our province, which will provide strong support for the construction of the source of scientific and technological innovation in Anhui.
In recent years, Anhui has insisted on promoting high-level opening up, actively integrating into the national strategy of serving the country, vigorously promoting the construction of large open channels and platforms and customs clearance, and implementing the 144 hour transit visa free policy in our province, which will be more convenient for international trade exchanges, promote foreign business negotiations in Anhui, and conducive to the implementation of a wider range, broader fields and deeper opening up.

Anhui Culture With rich tourism resources, the implementation of 144 hour transit visa free policy in Anhui will further enhance the international attraction of Anhui's tourism market and the level of international tourism facilitation, promote more foreign friends to carry out cultural exchanges in Anhui, continue to expand the international influence of Anhui culture, and enhance the soft power of high-quality development of Anhui.

Anhui Legal Daily Li Fei: Anhui public security organs have given great support to the holding of various commercial exhibitions and performances. What are the specific aspects?
He Xiao, Deputy Chief of the Public Security Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department: The Anhui public security system adheres to the principle of "service first" and "safety first". On the basis of field research in key enterprises and inviting representatives of key performing arts enterprises in the province to hold symposiums, it has introduced "six measures" to optimize and improve the approval service of large-scale activities in the provincial public security system, focusing on optimizing approval, security guidance, service deployment, on-site security and promoting departmental linkage, We will make every effort to achieve the organic unity of ensuring the economic benefits of the event organizers, achieving good social effects and maintaining the safety bottom line.

In terms of application activities, Anhui reduced the original requirement to submit application materials to the local public security organ 20 days in advance to 15 days in advance, providing more time for event organizers. In terms of material acceptance and approval, we adhere to the one-stop acceptance, and follow the concept of "getting it done right away, getting it done right away", reducing the time limit for acceptance and approval from 7 days to 3 days. For large-scale activities such as performances and exhibitions that are less risky to assess, we will accept and approve the lack of acceptance, and submit secondary materials such as the joint undertaking agreement before the event, so that enterprises can apply for large-scale activities "once" At the same time, we actively coordinate the departments of culture and tourism, housing construction, emergency, market supervision, fire protection, etc., promote the establishment of an integrated linkage mechanism, and organize relevant units to jointly survey the site of the event to carry out facilities inspection, saving the time of the undertaker. Finally, in terms of safety supervision, the public security organ scientifically formulates the safety supervision work plan and emergency response plan for each activity meeting to advance the emergency response force to ensure effective security; At the same time, the police were organized to strengthen the security patrol, traffic facilitation and "scalper" attack on the performance site and surrounding areas to ensure the safety and order of the performance activities.

China News Agency Zhao Qiang: Please introduce in detail what is a new private car without inspection? What enterprises in our province have implemented at present?
Wang Zhifa, Deputy Chief of the Traffic Police Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department: The registration of new private cars is exempt from inspection, that is, the pre inspection of domestic non operating small and micro passenger cars registered production enterprises.
In order to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, innovate the automobile sales registration service model, more facilitate the mass enterprises to handle affairs, and better promote the development of the automobile industry, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly carried out the pre inspection of the registration and production enterprises of domestic non operating small and micro passenger cars (hereinafter referred to as "passenger cars") in April 2022. The pre inspection of passenger car registration production enterprises is an important measure to promote the reform and innovation of the automobile sales registration model and strengthen the management of vehicle production consistency. The automobile production enterprises will assist in the inspection of motor vehicles when new vehicles leave the factory, share motor vehicle information with the management department, and the owner of motor vehicles will be exempted from the inspection of motor vehicles after purchase, so as to achieve online application for registration and the delivery of certificates by mail, Provide convenient and efficient new car registration services for the masses. For the purchase of passenger cars in the pre inspected catalogue, the owner of the motor vehicle does not need to hand over the motor vehicle for inspection after purchase, and directly selects online and offline vehicle registration business.
After the introduction of the policy, the Provincial Public Security Department actively applied to the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for pilot projects, effectively facilitating people to carry out new car registration, and better helping the high-quality development of automobile manufacturers in our province. At present, four enterprises in our province, namely Weilai, Jianghuai, Chery and Chery New Energy, have implemented new car license plate exemption inspection.

In the next step, the Provincial Public Security Department will continue to promote more automobile manufacturers in Chang'an, Volkswagen Anhui, BYD and other provinces to carry out pre inspection of passenger car registration production enterprises, so that more enterprises and the masses can enjoy the dividends of reform policies.

Chen Mu, Xin'an Evening News: In recent years, the demand of enterprises for intellectual property protection has become increasingly urgent. What are the innovative measures for strengthening criminal protection of intellectual property in several measures, and how to implement them?
Tong Lin, Director of the Forest Public Security Bureau of the Provincial Public Security Department: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that innovation is the first driving force leading development, and protecting intellectual property rights is protecting innovation. Intellectual property is related to the core competitiveness of enterprises. Strengthening intellectual property protection is an important part of optimizing the business environment and serving high-quality development. The Provincial Public Security Department attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights. Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Governor, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department and Director of the Department, has repeatedly stressed that we should crack down on and deter crimes against intellectual property rights by means of thunderbolt in accordance with the law, and take measures to control the "night watchman" of business environment and the "gold medal shop waiter" of service enterprises. The Provincial Public Security Department has formulated and issued protection measures for three consecutive years, constantly increasing protection efforts and striving to create a highland for intellectual property protection. The provincial public security system has successfully cracked a number of key cases and protected the legitimate rights and interests of a number of domestic and foreign brands, focusing on high-tech, emerging industries, vulnerable and other fields. In the past two years, more than 30 institutions and enterprises have sent thank-you letters and banners to the provincial public security department.
Several measures proposed to strengthen the perception of criminal risks of business secrets of enterprises and establish a rapid response mechanism for criminal protection of intellectual property rights, which is an effective means to actively respond to the core demands of enterprises, cope with the severe situation of intellectual property protection, and solve difficulties and blockages, as well as an internal requirement to boost the development of new quality productivity. In the next step, the Provincial Public Security Department will further study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the National Two Sessions of the Communist Party of China, constantly promote the in-depth and practical work of intellectual property protection in our province, and make greater contributions to the construction of a "self reliant and strong province in science and technology".
everything Strengthen cooperation between police and enterprises, The police liaison system for criminal protection of intellectual property rights was implemented to achieve "zero distance" between police and enterprises, "zero vacancy" for escort development, and "zero tolerance" for combating crime. Pilot the "physical examination" system for trade secret risks, and conduct quantitative assessment and dynamic physical examination for the security risks of enterprise trade secrets by listening to enterprise introductions, on-site exchanges, induction and summary, etc. In view of the risk loopholes in the enterprise's internal management, we put forward rectification opinions and suggestions to help enterprises improve their awareness of prevention and protection, build a "safety net" for the police and enterprises to attack and prevent, and escort enterprises to concentrate on entrepreneurship, operate with confidence, and develop with confidence.
Second, strengthen departmental linkage, Strengthen the cooperation with the administrative departments, improve the communication and coordination with the procuratorial organs, and enhance the joint force of intellectual property protection. Pilot set up intellectual property protection stations in Hefei and other cities to extend the protection chain.
Third, improve the working mechanism, Formulate and issue internal work guidelines for intellectual property criminal protection, regularly carry out internal training and exchange, establish Anhui Public Security Intellectual Property Crime Investigation Linkage Support Group, strengthen law enforcement supervision of intellectual property cases, and improve case quality and law enforcement level.
Fourth, we will crack down on deterrence, Relying on "Kunlun" and other special actions, we will focus on health and safety, scientific and technological innovation, cultural prosperity and business environment, crack down on trademark infringement, copyright and trade secret infringement and other criminal activities that damage the business environment and affect high-quality development, and create a good environment that "keeps innovators focused and infringers deterred".
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