Anhui Provincial Public Security Department Holds the Provincial Public Security Bureau Director Meeting

Published: 2024-02-02 18:11 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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Anhui Provincial Public Security Department Holds the Provincial Public Security Bureau Director Meeting
Strive to Promote the Modernization of Anhui Public Security Work
To build "three regions and one district" and build "seven strong provinces"
On the morning of February 1, the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held a meeting of the directors of the provincial public security bureau to convey and study the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on political and legal work and the spirit of the central economic work conference, the central political and legal work conference, the national conference of directors of the public security department, the sixth plenary session of the eleventh provincial party committee, the provincial economic work conference, the provincial two sessions and the provincial political and legal work conference and other important conferences, Conscientiously implement the instructions of provincial leaders, summarize achievements, analyze the situation, deploy public security work in 2024, and make special arrangements for safety and stability during the Spring Festival. Qian Sanxiong, Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

meeting Discussion Comprehensively summarize the remarkable achievements in seven aspects of the provincial public security work in 2023, deeply analyze the seven prominent risks facing the current public security work and the shortcomings of the public security team, and require the provincial public security system to deepen the political construction of police, "three justice" Nine aspects of key work, including source control, attack and prevention control, escort development, strengthening the foundation, reform and innovation, strict management and love, should be accurately mastered and applied working methods to ensure the best effect of promoting the modernization of Anhui's public security work in the process of fierce attack and rush, quiet thinking and quiet understanding.
The meeting stressed that the provincial public security system should think deeply about how to implement political police building in 2024, how to achieve national leadership in the business of "combating, preventing, controlling, building and creating uniforms", how to transform reform and innovation into the new quality of Anhui public security combat effectiveness, and promote the provincial public security work to a new level. We should do a solid job in the safety and stability of the Spring Festival, "fighting hand to hand", strive for total success, and ensure that there is no risk. We should take implementation as the first priority, adhere to the principle of "never say anything, never say anything", and earnestly improve the rate of completion, accuracy, completion, excellence and efficiency of work implementation.
At the meeting, the directors of the public security bureaus of 16 cities under the jurisdiction of the province made reports and speeches around the most prominent problems and countermeasures during the Spring Festival in their respective regions, and the members of the party committees of the department made comments and put forward work requirements in combination with their respective work. The meeting also named and commended the provincial public security system posts in 2023 as "100 thousand" Jianghuai guards and "10 best and 100 excellent" grassroots teams.
The meeting will be held in the form of teleconference to the county public security system. Liu Libing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Department, presided over the meeting, and members of the Party Committee of the Department attended the meeting. Comrades in charge of the Anhui Entry Exit Frontier Inspection General Station and the Special Service Bureau of the Department, the directors of the public security bureaus of cities under the jurisdiction of the province, the second-class inspectors of the Department and cadres at the equivalent level, the deputy leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Department, and the main responsible comrades of the departments directly under the Department, the Hefei Railway Public Security Department, and the Hefei Customs Anti smuggling Bureau attended the meeting in the main venue of the provincial department.

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