Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held a grand flag raising ceremony to celebrate the fourth Chinese People's Police Day

Published: 2024-01-10 15:52 News source: The Provincial Public Security Department Hit rate: typeface: [ large   in   Small ]
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The glittering police badge is dazzling under the golden ribbon; The hunting flag flutters in the morning breeze. On January 10, the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department held a grand flag raising ceremony to celebrate the fourth Chinese People's Police Day, encouraging the whole police to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, forge a loyal soul, and pool their efforts.

At 8:30, the magnificent "Police Song of the Chinese People's Police" sounded, and a guard of honor consisting of three members was marching to the flag raising platform. With a call, the flag bearer waved his arm, and the flag rose slowly in the majestic alarm song.

"I am the Chinese People's Police, and I swear that I will firmly support the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China and devote myself to the noble cause of the people's public security..." Qian Sanxiong, deputy governor, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Public Security Department, and 130 police representatives of the department, raised their right fists to the police flag and swore solemnly. The sonorous oath resounded through the sky, and the loyalty and enthusiasm surged.

Struggle, create supreme glory; Glory stirs up the sacred mission. In the past 2023, the provincial public security system has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implemented the work deployment of the provincial party committee, provincial government and the Ministry of Public Security, unswervingly implemented the overall national security concept, and made every effort to prevent risks, ensure security, safeguard stability, promote development, and benefit the people's livelihood, Vigorously protect the safety of the Yangtze Huaihe River.

The flag gathers vigilance, and the oath urges people to forge ahead. "We feel excited and excited to review the oath of joining the police on this festival belonging to our own police, which further inspires us to transform the clank oath into practical action in the future work, and to fulfill the duties and missions entrusted by the party and the people with heart and emotion!" At the event site, the broad masses of police who participated in the flag raising ceremony were full of enthusiasm and pride, They have expressed their determination to be loyal defenders of the Party and the people, actively serve the economic and social development of the province, and show new responsibilities and new achievements in maintaining the overall situation of social security and stability of the province.

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