Netease Game_Anticounterfeiting Commodity Query System

Netease Game_Anticounterfeiting Commodity Query System
Netease game anti-counterfeiting commodity inquiry system
Netease game anti-counterfeiting commodity inquiry system
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Please input the correct anti-counterfeiting code in the input box in turn, which is case sensitive.
Click the query button, and the system will display the query results later.
The security code you queried does not exist,
Please check carefully to avoid counterfeiting. Thank you for your inquiry!
Sorry, the product you bought is not genuine. In order to effectively protect your interests and combat piracy, we will buy back the product according to the price you paid when you bought it. Please keep your purchase voucher, invoice and payment voucher, and fill in the following information so that we can contact you in time and give feedback. We will keep your personal information and contact information confidential.
HGHT 473I G26G 758I
Name of licensor
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Dear customer,
Thank you for purchasing genuine authorized products of Netease games!
HGHT 473I G26G 758I
Thank you for your support for Netease games
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Sorry, the network is busy, please try again later.
The security code (18 digits) can be viewed at the security label on the outer packaging box of the commodity
Thank you for filling in. We will contact you in time after checking.