
❤️ 67 people have sponsored

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Every creator hopes that his works can be appreciated by more people. So for me, the biggest help is to read my article.

It would be great if I could get some touching, knowledge, or other feelings that I cannot describe in words from my articles.

If it is convenient, please collect and share the article, so that it may be pushed to more people.

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In addition, the growth of viewing volume can prove my potential commercial value, which is more valuable than direct donation.




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Reward List
user name Amount (yuan) Reward method remarks time
anonymous ten WeChat The website content is very practical 2020-5-08
*k twenty WeChat nothing 2020-4-15
*Yuan five WeChat nothing 2020-3-20
anonymous one WeChat nothing 2020-3-05
anonymous one Alipay Support me, come on 2020-2-26

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