Alipay red packet - long-term valid

Red envelope of physical stores in the screen swiping circle of friends

Alipay launched the activity of receiving red packets, mainly to attract new and active users. You can save this picture to an album. Every day, Alipay scans and receives a red packet with a validity of three days. This is a long-term effective activity, but usually the amount of red packets is not large. The amount of red packets will increase until a specific period of time, usually when the circle of friends swipe the red packet.

 Alipay red packet - long-term valid

You can also open Zhibao to search: 730760036

Red packet for bus travel

 Alipay red packet - long-term valid

The first time I received a 6 yuan red envelope, which can save a lot of money for people who often need public transportation to commute, and can be scanned once a day;

You can also directly copy the text below to Alipay and open it to automatically receive the red envelope

Alipay search Lw6bcZj36cF, take the whole copy, open Alipay and paste it into the search box, click search, and get a bus discount of up to 10 yuan

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