It doesn't cost a penny to activate the win10 system and unlock the normal functions of the computer

Interesting rabbit cold knowledge

When this pop-up window appears on your computer, it means that you need to activate it. If it is not activated, many functions will not be available, and the computer will be stuck and frame dropped

 It doesn't cost a penny to activate the win10 system and unlock the normal functions of the computer

Today I'll teach you a trick. You don't need to spend money to buy any software. You can permanently activate Windows. Students who are interested in it can collect it and save it. One day you can use it

Make sure the computer is connected to the network before activation

First, click the right mouse button to create a new text document

 It doesn't cost a penny to activate the win10 system and unlock the normal functions of the computer

Change the document name to activate Windows, and change the suffix name to bat

If the file does not display the suffix, we can open my computer, check the upper toolbar, find the display, and check the display file extension

In this way, the suffix of the file can be displayed

Let's go back to the file we just created. This time, we can change the file suffix to bat

Right click and click Edit to pop up a text box, where we enter

 slmgr /skms slmgr /ato

These two lines of code

 It doesn't cost a penny to activate the win10 system and unlock the normal functions of the computer

Save the file, right click, select Run as administrator, and click OK

Now the system has been successfully activated, have you learned?

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