Wish List

If the site does not have the software you want to find, you can submit the resources you want on this page. If you find them, I will release them as soon as possible.

I hope you can ask for resources harmoniously, and find out in advance whether other people have asked for the software you want by querying the wish list below and viewing the wish list list. If you have asked for it, don't submit it again, which will only affect efficiency. Thank you for understanding.

Please do not urge the released software and report errors in the list. If there is a problem, just comment on the corresponding page.
Only update Windows and macOS software, and do not update other software. Do not commit indiscriminately.

How to submit a list

1. Search whether there is a publication on this site, which cannot be submitted
2. Check whether the list has been submitted. Submitted list cannot be submitted again
3. Fill in the information and submit it for update

List address


Submission list

Submit the list here

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