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word processing
  • Umi OCR 2.1.2 Offline OCR character recognition

    describe OCR picture to character recognition software, completely offline. Screen capture/batch import of pictures, supporting multi language, merged paragraphs, and vertical text. The watermark area can be excluded to extract clean text. PaddleOCR based. Free:

    Buddhist software 2024-06-03
    1.3K+ zero zero
  • Microsoft Speech Synthesis Assistant 5.4 Microsoft Text to Speech

    describe Microsoft Speech Synthesis Assistant is an artificial intelligence speech synthesis software, which can convert text into natural and smooth speech output. The software supports multiple languages and sound effects, and can be embedded into various

    Buddhist software 2024-02-21
    1.1K+ zero zero
  • Readiris PDF Business OCR text recognition

    describe Readiris PDF Business is a powerful PDF centric manager software that allows you to compose, edit, annotate, split, sort, modify, compress, e-sign and

    Buddhist software 2024-01-12
    1.6K+ zero zero
  • AText 1.39 Text extension

    describe AText is a powerful text extension tool that can help you improve your input efficiency and simplify common text tasks. Text shortcuts: aText allows you to create custom text shortcuts. When you type a pre

    Buddhist software 2023-12-19
    five hundred and two zero zero
  • Readiris Corporate 17.4.192 OCR character recognition

    describe Readiris Corporate is an OCR optical character recognition software that supports almost all languages in the world. Especially for domestic users, it is indispensable to support simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other languages. R……

    Buddhist software 2023-11-28
    1.5K+ zero zero
  • ABBYY FineReader PDF OCR text recognition

    describe ABBYY FineReader PDF is a powerful OCR recognition software. The software can help users improve business productivity when working with files. It also provides powerful and easy-to-use tools to access paper documents and

    Buddhist software 2023-08-12
    1.8K+ zero three
  • AI voice dubbing expert XZVoice 2.1.1 Text to speech

    describe XZVoice is a text to speech software that uses Ali's voice engine! Support adding custom Alikey Support adding custom background music Support Windows and Mac systems. Set application secret key Find - Path: s

    Buddhist software 2023-03-31
    1.5K+ zero zero