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    CleanShot X 4.7.1 Screenshot annotation

    describe CleanShot X is an excellent screen recording application built specifically for macOS. Thanks to a rich set of tools, CleanShot X really feels like six applications combined into one. You can use it to quickly catch

    Buddhist software 2024-05-28
    1.5K+ four zero
  • Snapit 2024.2.5 Screenshot map video editing

    describe Snagit is a very powerful screen capture video recording software, mainly used for screen capture, recording and capture. Snagit's built-in exclusive advanced screenshot editor can easily create high-quality screenshots, GIF animations and videos. You

    Buddhist software 2024-05-23
    1.4K+ zero zero
  • IShot Pro 2.5.1 MAS multi-function OCR screenshot annotation [Repair]

    describe IShot is an excellent and comprehensive regional screenshot, window screenshot, multi window screenshot, long screenshot, shell screenshot, delayed screenshot, quick annotation, texture, color picking, screen recording, recording, OCR, screenshot translation, etc

    Buddhist software 2024-04-28
    4.9K+ twenty-eight zero
  • Snipaste 2.9.0 Beta screenshot map annotation

    describe Snipaste is a free and powerful screenshot mapping software. This is a screenshot tool that has been developed for three years, and its functions also need to be powerful. Snipaste provides a powerful and easy to use screenshot, texture and image

    Buddhist software 2024-04-26
    1.5K+ zero zero
  • Longshot 1.1.6 MAS screenshot map annotation

    describe Longshot - Your Mac screenshot! Annotation, scrolling, window screenshots, one button map nailing, convenient and quick, make screenshots simple! Dimensioning ruler It is convenient to label images, and is a good helper for colleagues to communicate, simple

    Buddhist software 2024-04-26
    eight hundred and fifty-six zero one
  • Shottr 1.7.2 OCR screenshot annotation

    describe Shottr is a small, fast human size screenshot application designed for those who care about pixels. It is developed by Swift, optimized for M1, and can be distributed for free. Scroll screenshot pair length

    Buddhist software 2023-12-26
    four hundred and eighty-eight zero zero
  • GrabIt 4.932 MAS screenshot

    describe Whenever you want to give up something on the screen, you may use Cmd+Shift+4 or some other application. However, as you know, Mac OS X contains "Cmd+......" for the "screencapture" application

    Buddhist software 2023-11-13
    five hundred and eighty-nine zero zero
  • Gifox Pro 2.2.5 GIF dynamic chart recording

    describe Gifox is a beautifully designed and well crafted application for creating and editing dynamic GIF images, which is a great choice between still images and full-size video. Make the perfect choice. Use free zone selection

    Buddhist software 2023-10-10
    six hundred and ninety-two zero zero
  • Xnip Pro 2.2.3 MAS screenshot annotation

    describe A handy screenshot tool on the top of macOS. Xnip has a full range of annotation functions, which are simple and easy to use. You can annotate the captured pictures and resize the screenshots while labeling. Scrolling screenshots makes it easy

    Buddhist software 2023-08-06
    nine hundred and twenty-three zero zero
  • Tencent screenshot 2.3.0 screenshot

    describe Jietu is a very useful screenshot tool launched by Tencent. After you use the screenshot (Jietu), you can freely adjust the size and label of the screenshot. The screenshot (Jietu) is displayed on the menu bar, which is more convenient to use

    Buddhist software 2023-04-13
    1.3K+ zero zero