Axure makes web prototype drawing advantages axure prototype case work technical article

Advantage of axure in making web prototype-

Share some of my formulation methods when making the PC end website interaction prototype, appreciate~Method 1: Build a navigation architecture web page. When I or a novice design a web page gradually, the most easily made mistake is that most of every web page is made with top navigation bar, left navigation bar and right web page content. As shown in the figure below: when there are many pages of the webpage, once the name of the side navigation bar changes or the automatic jump connection changes, the navigation bar of all pages must be replaced. The actual operation is complex and redundant. After class practice, learning and training
A light aroma of zongzi leaves, strong friendship, root and thread connection, cut and easy to pull, good mood with the aroma of zongzi passed on to good friends, I wish you always smile, good luck, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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far journey

Axure production network - consider it a dangerous journey

I heard that you are ill. I plan to visit you in the next two days. Please tell me where to find you after receiving the message? Wish you a speedy recovery! Send me a short message when you are well, and read my greetings when you are in pain!

The original text, translation and annotation of "I am in the country" (full text translation of "I am in the country")
 Axure makes web prototype drawing advantages axure prototype case work technical article  Axure makes web prototype drawing advantages axure prototype case work technical article How does the computer connect to the projector? Super detailed picture and text explanation tutorial