Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

This is a very rich set of Zbrush brush presets and alpha maps, which can be used to visualize the packaging of beer and other drinks. It is very fast and effective to do some condensation of water droplets. The package contains 12 seamless normal maps and corresponding template (alpha) masks, 3 types of water droplets and 3 Zbrush formats ZBP brush 3 OBJ model files 17 groups support. lxl of MODO software

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Pdplayer 64 is a professional image sequence player and viewer used by Chaosgroup for CG and VFX industries. It can be dragged backwards or forwards on the screen, which is very practical. Pdplayer supports most industry standard file formats, including EXR, HDR, DPX, CIN, R3D, TGA, SGI, IFF, PIC and VRIMG, and can perform color correction on multiple layers and combine them in real time.

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

This tutorial will learn Houdini's height field scatter map and the new Redshift PacketPrim's new terrain instantiation method. Tutorial information: file size: 2.07 GB Tutorial duration: 3 hours and 29 minutes Official description: https:www.sidefx.comdocshoudininodessopheightfield_scator

System advantages:

Zbrush water drop brush+12 sets of 4K seamless alpha water drop map+MODO lxl preset | Baidu Cloud Disk | online disk download | Chinese | crack | register | free | install | iiiDea CN

PDPlayer v1.0.7.13 – 3DCG Industry Professional Image Sequence Player | Baidu Cloud Disk | Online Disk Download | Chinese | Cracking | Registration | Free | Installation | iiiDea CN

Learn HoudiniRedshift Height field scatter layered scattering fixed-point distribution cloud terrain production video tutorial | Baidu cloud disk | online disk download | Chinese | crack | register | free | install | iiiDea CN

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What we have


This is a very rich set of Zbrush brush presets and alpha maps, which can be used to visualize the packaging of beer and other drinks


Pdplayer 64 is a professional image sequence player and viewer for CG and VFX industries by Chaosgroup

Learning Ho

This tutorial will learn Houdini's height field scatter map and the new Redshift PacketPrim's new terrain instantiation

140 kinds

140 kinds of 4K multi-functional smoke element video materials are an ideal way to inject color into films, advertisements and other shots. This high-quality

C4D teaching

Cinema 4D is a necessary tool for sports graphic artists and designers. By learning Cinema 4D R20, you can

AE Newton

Motion Boutique Newton [Newton plug-in] interprets 2D composite layers as rigid bodies interacting in the real environment