Chengfeng · Cross Strait Integration Development Demonstration Area

The "Learning Powerful" Fujian Learning Platform, Southeast Net, the Publicity Department of the Tong'an District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xiamen, and the Tong'an District Financial Media Center jointly produced the "Chengfeng · Cross Strait Integration Demonstration Area Observation", to observe the story of Taiwanese seizing opportunities and actively participating in Chinese style modernization from the perspective of reporters, record Fujian's deepening of economic and trade cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, and create Fujian Taiwan industrial cooperation upgrading services The example of broadening the development path of Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises in Fujian provides a vivid and typical model for Fujian to build a demonstration area of cross Strait integration and development.


Look at Taiwan: Fang Junxiong, an old professor at the helm

Immediate | 2024-01-02 10:37

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