How about the new version of Bank of China Colorful Life App? Each of the three interactions has its own shortcomings, which still needs to be systematically improved


How about the new version of Bank of China Colorful Life App? Each of the three interactions has its own shortcomings, which still needs to be systematically improved

Issue 10


As the official client of Bank of China's credit card, Colorful Life App has been upgraded to version 6.0, which is dedicated to creating personalized butler services around life and consumption scenarios for users. So, does the new version bring new experience? Sina Financial Evaluation Room will reveal to you.

The financial evaluation room comprehensively scanned the "Colorful Life" of Bank of China's credit card app in four dimensions of user experience, functional services, performance security, development and innovation, and 240 sub indicators, and finally gave 70.025 points (100 in total).

To sum up, the Colorful Life App has upgraded to version 6.0, accessed some cloud flash payment scenarios, and optimized the cancellation journey and search interaction. However, each of the three interaction experiences has its own shortcomings. Card management, billing services and other functions still need to be improved, and the operation ability of activities and rights needs to be strengthened. In particular, apps still need to systematically improve the experience from the perspective of users, and can't be optimized only by "tinkering".

Evaluation report

Evaluation analysis

   Colorful Life App of Bank of China Evaluation and analysis:

The Colorful Life App has been upgraded to version 6.0, with access to some cloud flash payment scenarios, and optimized the cancellation journey and search interaction. However, the three interactive experiences have their own shortcomings. Card management, billing services and other functions still need to be improved, and the operation ability of activities and rights needs to be strengthened. In particular, apps still need to systematically improve the experience from the perspective of users, and can't be optimized only by "tinkering".

   User experience (28.575 points/40 points): The search experience has improved, but each of the three interactions has shortcomings

New users of Bank of China Colorful Life App can complete registration by entering their mobile phone number, SMS verification code and setting their login password. After successful registration, the user can select "Bind Card Now" to bind his/her bank card. Unfortunately, the integration of login/registration has not been realized for the App.

In terms of login, Colorful Life App uses the default phone number to login, and supports quick login with Apple ID, mobile banking, and WeChat authorization. At the same time, App supports quick login methods such as face, fingerprint and gesture based on the model, and supports one-way switching of "face/fingerprint → gesture → digital password". If the user forgets the login password, the App supports online retrieval; If the user wants to change the login account, the App supports account switching.

Compared with the last evaluation, the Colorful Life App has been upgraded to version 6.0, and the bottom sidebar still continues to have five channels, "Home, Installment, Benefit, Points, My". Specifically, the "home page" of the app is divided from top to bottom into "navigation, head map, common functions, colorful headlines, broadcast ads, popular activities, hot card highlights", but the recommended floors are in the form of advertising pictures, which is less attractive.

Among them, the "Common Functions" adopts the "7+1" eight grid mode. Users can click "All Tools" to view all tools (search is not supported), or customize 0-3 common tools. Unfortunately, the problem of insufficient weight removal occurred in the post test.

Another important channel "My" structure has also been adjusted: compared with the previous evaluation, the "My Bill" card has been added on the basis of personal information, bank cards/tickets/orders/points, activities/rights/WeChat deduction. Unfortunately, information such as tickets and points is still not intuitive enough.

In terms of search interaction, the "home page, preferential payment and points" channel of the Colorful Life App has a search portal, where users can view history and popular search, and support search for functions, goods, activities, merchants, venues, etc. Users can input search keywords to make association recommendation; In many keyword tests, the level of fuzzy search has improved to a certain extent, but there are still some gaps - such as "I want cash" and other functions cannot be found, and "ID information" and other secondary/tertiary function points cannot be found; Compared with the last evaluation, users can't find the results/are not satisfied with the search results, so they can consult online customer service (and substitute keywords).

In terms of customer service interaction, Colorful Life App has a customer service entrance in "Home, Installment, Preferential Payment, My", and the customer service coverage of important functional contacts is acceptable (insufficient differentiation matching). Specifically, the logic of "Ask → Answer → Resolved/Unsolved" of intelligent customer service is reasonable, and "Unsolved" will prompt you to leave a message for feedback or transfer to manual. For some questions, the intelligent reply can match the relevant function points, but some questions have more interactive steps, and the reply is not satisfactory.

At the same time, the user can also transfer the manual service by entering keywords such as "manual": prompt the number of people waiting when transferring, or leave a message online; In the service, you can send pictures/expressions, or you can quit temporarily; After that, customer service can be evaluated. Unfortunately, the online manual service system cannot query the account information, and the mobile banking operation path is also preferred in the reply content.

In terms of news interaction, Colorful Life App "News" integrates special express, exclusive service, card service, preferential recommendation and the latest announcement, which can turn on/off the preferential recommendation reminder and one click read. It is worth noting that the dynamic account message is still missing.

In terms of convenient services, Colorful Life App supports voice search and voice input in customer service, but does not support video customer service for the time being, and shortcut menu convenient services are also insufficient.

In terms of user management, Colorful Life App "My" can update the avatar, change the login mobile number, and manage the credit card address and email address; "My → Settings → Login and Security" supports the modification of login password and user logout - the relevant prompts are clear and the logout journey is convenient. In addition, for users whose ID cards are pending/expired, the App will prompt them to update the validity of their ID cards. Compared with peers, user management is not systematic enough.

In terms of interactive experience, the "My" channel of Colorful Life App has a bill card, which can prompt bills issued and outstanding (real-time balance) according to the time axis/repayment status, and has interactive repayment and other functions. Compared with the last evaluation, the repayment journey of App has not improved much, and problems such as selection of repayment account and addition of cards from other banks have not been solved.

If the user's journey is blocked, the App gives a certain prompt, and the level of connection in the next step is general, such as the connection guidance of adding cards and entering wrong accounts needs to be improved. Compared with the last evaluation, the App (iOS side) users can choose "Consulting Customer Service" to transfer to the manual service after screenshots (screenshots still need to add image processing function).

It is worth noting that after entering the post evaluation period, the App has "the bottom sidebar disappears" and other mismatches on multiple Android devices. In addition, the App still needs to systematically improve the experience from the perspective of users, and can't be optimized only by "repairing" - for example, the different logic of "My → No Bill" and "Billing Service → No Bill", and there is no systematic user management.

Compared with the last evaluation, the Colorful Life App was upgraded to version 6.0, and some trips such as logout were optimized, and search interaction was also improved. However, each of the three interaction experiences had shortcomings, and the notice of moving accounts was still missing. In particular, several Android models did not adapt in the later stage of the evaluation.

   Functional services (24.175 points/35 points): Access to cloud flash payment scenarios, some functions still need to be improved

In terms of card management, the "Card Management" of Colorful Life App can view the tied bank cards, or add/unbind cards. For a single BOC credit card, the user can view the card face and name, and can also perform related card management, including card number query (or reissue card number), query annual fee reduction eligibility, report card loss, set payment security locks, and bind cloud flash payment online payment. Unfortunately, the App still does not support the setting of consumption password/password free, nor does it integrate the quick payment management - the single "one button card binding" prompt "will be online" (version 6.2 function is online).

In terms of new card services, Colorful Life App supports card application, progress query, card activation and other services. Specifically, "I want to get a card" includes a variety of cards, a clear classification, and supports search; The information prompt of a single card is clear, and the card application process is relatively smooth (name and ID card are automatically imported).

In terms of quota management, Colorful Life App "Quota Management" can view the available quota, withdrawal quota and installment quota, and support the application of temporary/permanent increase. However, there is still a gap between the overall function and that of peers.

Since Bank of China has one credit card and one account, the "Billing Service" of Colorful Life App adopts the mode of "single card query+switching", integrating bills issued, bills not issued (reminding the amount to be repaid instead of consumption bills) and historical bills (in recent 3 years), and also supports the supplement of bills. As for "transaction details", the entry and exit items in the detailed list are relatively clear and readable - the detailed list of the current statement lacks more specific transaction time. In addition, transaction details can be filtered by currency, transaction type (consumption/return/repayment), and transaction time.

At the same time, the App "Billing Service" is associated with two functions: repayment and installment. The user can make full repayment, minimum repayment, user-defined repayment, combined repayment and set automatic repayment; If the user has the demand for installment, he can perform the bill installment and the unpaid bill installment. The repayment plan and the approximate converted annualized interest rate prompt are clear, and the entire agreement can also be viewed.

In terms of lending services, the "installment" channel of Colorful Life App integrates users' credit needs, and supports users to make an appointment to apply for BOC e-installment, I want cash, special installment, scanning code installment, etc. Among them, "I want cash" supports cash installment and random repayment, and the identification of approximate annualized interest rate and service rate is relatively clear. The complete contract can also be viewed, and only the transfer to the debit card of the Bank is supported. It is worth noting that App does not support other financial services for the time being.

In terms of points service, the top of the "Points" channel of the Colorful Life App can view the number of points, points details, and also redeem points - the "Points Mall" supports the exchange of a variety of goods such as household daily use, member recharge, airline miles, and online shopping of supermarkets, and the exchange process is relatively convenient. At the same time, the "Points" channel recommended popular exchange rankings, point donations, etc.

In terms of equity services, the cloud flash payment app is connected to the UnionPay equity platform and can query the rights and interests of relevant cards, but the overall construction needs to be improved, and there is no user equity system.

In terms of payment services, Colorful Life App has a "preferential payment" channel to focus on payment services and life benefits. Among them, the payment service supports code scanning payment and payment code. It is convenient to open/close and change cards. It also supports transaction record query and small amount secret free payment.

In addition to payment services, the "Huifu" channel mainly promotes preferential merchants, sports and fitness, rights collection, and deduction collection, and recommends preferential payment, special zones and activity registration. Among them, "Sports · Fitness" focuses on the ecology of sports scenes, with certain characteristics; "Activity registration" integrates credit card related activities. In addition, "Special Express" aggregates preferential information such as cross-border and BOC Day.

It is worth noting that the cloud flash payment app has access to the cloud flash payment network payment platform on the basis of the standard version of the "ex gratia" channel, and has added some cloud flash payment life scenes such as photo tickets, video, and shopping malls.

Compared with the last evaluation, Colorful Life App launched the "cloud flash payment version", accessed some cloud flash payment scenarios, and applied for card handling and other functions were improved. Unfortunately, card management, billing services and other related functions still need to be improved, and functions such as bill date modification and debt settlement certificate are still missing. Compared with peers, the richness of App life services, the operational capacity of activities and rights and interests also need to be strengthened.

   Performance safety (12.750 points/15 points):

Performance security mainly includes basic security settings, privacy protection and performance detection.

In terms of basic security settings, Colorful Life App timely enables the security keyboard, automatically exits after overtime login, and multiple wrong passwords will trigger account freezing; At the same time, the anti screenshot/anti recording settings of the key pages of the app are relatively complete, and the latest login device and login time can be queried. There is no systematic "security center" for the time being.

In terms of privacy protection, Colorful Life App has opened the explicit privacy policy for the first time. The privacy policy has indicated the update/effective date. The description of personal information processing rules and user rights protection is relatively complete. At the same time, users can withdraw the privacy agreement, conduct third-party authorization management, and temporarily do not support system authorization management. In addition, according to the compliance evaluation report provided by Sina Financial Evaluation Room's technical support "Love Encryption", the Colorful Life App (Android side) was found to be unqualified in 2 of the 7 tests.         

In terms of performance testing, the data provided by Sina Financial Evaluation Room's technical support "Borui Data" shows that the startup time of Colorful Life App is not as long as the industry average, and the response degree of important pages on the Android side is far below the average.

   Development and innovation (4.525 points/10 points):

As the official client of Bank of China's credit card, Colorful Life App has been upgraded to version 6.0. It provides users with personalized butler services around life and consumption scenarios by providing basic function services of credit cards, mobile payment services, points and installment stores, merchant discounts, activity information and other content. In particular, Bank of China cooperated with China UnionPay to carry out business circle activities in the Yangtze River Delta and Chengdu Chongqing region, expand high-quality merchants, create consumption scenarios, and launch the "cloud flash payment" version of the App.

From the perspective of aging development The Colorful Life App has not been launched as the "elder version" yet, but large fonts can be set - large fonts can be displayed in various channels, billing services, quick repayment and other functions. However, "simply magnifying the font" can not solve the problems of elderly people's search function and customer service.

From the perspective of multi-channel development, the public account of "Bank of China Credit Card" provides three major services of "account services, hot card highlights and special services", which can be bound with credit card to check bills, check limits, etc., and can also receive dynamic account messages, help manual customer service, etc; The "Bank of China Credit Card" applet only supports card application and process query, and the "More Services" will jump to the public account.

From the perspective of app development and innovation, Colorful Life App has been upgraded to version 6.0 and launched the "cloud flash payment version". From the perspective of user experience, the user journey such as App logout has been optimized, and the search interaction has also been improved, but each of the three interaction experiences has its own shortcomings, and several Android models have also been mismatched in the late evaluation period; From the perspective of functional services, the App has accessed some cloud flash payment scenarios, and its functions such as card application have been improved, but card management, billing services and other related functions still need to be improved, and the functions such as bill date modification and debt settlement certificate are still missing.

On the whole, the richness of App life services, the operation ability of activities and rights and interests need to be strengthened. In particular, apps still need to systematically improve the experience from the perspective of users, and can't be optimized only by "tinkering".

  (The test version is iOS version 6.0.1/Android version 6.0.2. The privacy test data is provided by iEncrypt, and the performance test data is provided by Borui Data. The evaluation deadline is December 30, 2023.)



In 2023, according to the new trend of the industry development, Sina Financial Evaluation Office has made in-depth discussions with industry experts, developed evaluation standards for credit card apps, and introduced third-party technical institutions to provide data support, striving to be professional, objective and fair. In the past few months, Sina Financial Evaluation Office will conduct a full scan of 15 bank credit card APPs based on the evaluation standards that have been recognized by many parties through five rounds of tests, including preliminary test, retest and cross test, integrating four dimensions of user experience, functional services, performance security, development and innovation, and 240 sub indicators.

Full report: The Fourth (2023-2024) Credit Card App Evaluation

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