Liu Shiyu and the Chief Economist held a forum to put forward new requirements for the CEOs

Liu Shiyu and the Chief Economist held a forum to put forward new requirements for the CEOs
17:26, November 8, 2018 Securities trader China

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At the current critical point, Liu Shiyu, Chairman of the CSRC, attended the forum of chief economists and released a lot of information.

Recently, the Securities Association of China held a symposium for chief economists of the securities fund industry. Liu Shiyu attended the meeting and communicated with the chief economists. Liu Shiyu pointed out that it is necessary to cherish the reputation of the industry, constantly improve the level of research ability, continue to give play to its influence and credibility, and make positive contributions to guiding market expectations.

This is the third forum Liu Shiyu has participated in with market participants in the past six months. He had two previous discussions with investors and heads of listed companies, mainly to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the market front line on the reform and development of the capital market.

The first symposium of chief economists was held

A few days ago, the Securities Association of China held a symposium for chief economists of the securities and fund industry to convey and study the spirit of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 31 and the spirit of Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium for private enterprises on November 1, and discuss the macroeconomic situation and issues related to the reform and development of the capital market. Liu Shiyu, Chairman of the CSRC, attended the meeting and communicated with the chief economists.

This is the first time that Liu Shiyu specially discussed and communicated with the chief economist of the securities fund industry.

Liu Shiyu pointed out that the chief economist of the securities fund industry should shoulder the mission of the times, improve his political position, always follow the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, learn deeply the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, resolutely implement Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on the capital market, and consciously start from the overall situation of the party and the country, Thoroughly analyze the domestic and international economic and financial situation, and interpret the Party's and the country's lines, guidelines, and policies. We should cherish the reputation of the industry, constantly improve our research ability, continue to exert our influence and credibility, and make positive contributions to guiding market expectations. At present, we should understand, publicize and interpret the spirit of Xi Jinping's important speech at the private enterprise forum. We welcome all of you to actively make suggestions and suggestions on deepening the reform of the capital market, comprehensively opening up, steady development, improving the basic system, stimulating market vitality and other work.

Proposed to establish quarterly regular meeting system for chief economists

An Qingsong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President of the Securities Industry Association, presided over the symposium. The meeting solicited opinions on the establishment of the quarterly regular meeting system for chief economists and the self-discipline proposal for chief economists. More than 30 chief economists from the securities and fund industry, heads of the Central Propaganda Department and relevant departments of the CSRC attended the meeting.

Chief economists said that at present, the effect of deepening the supply side structural reform in China is emerging, the factors of stability and progress in the economic structure are accumulating, the effect of quality, efficiency and power reform in the economic system is accelerating, new power and new momentum are accelerating to form, and the resilience of micro entities is further enhanced, The external dependence of the economy has been greatly reduced, and the ability to resist risks has been strengthened, which has further laid a good foundation for the capital market to play its pivotal role. The chief economists at the meeting also put forward suggestions on the reform and development of the capital market.

Liu Shiyu has attended relevant symposiums three times in the past six months

The CSRC attaches great importance to the voice from the front line of the market. In the past six months, Liu Shiyu has participated in three face-to-face discussions with market players.

On July 8 and 9, Liu Shiyu and Yan Qingmin, vice chairman of the CSRC, respectively presided over the symposium for the heads of listed companies. First, they listened to their views on the current economic and financial situation; Second, listen to the suggestions on maintaining the stability of the capital market and promoting the healthy development of the capital market and listed companies; Third, listen to the opinions on the work of the CSRC. At that time, more than ten chairmen of listed companies attended the meeting and expressed their views. The CSRC said that it would continue to hold a series of symposiums for listed companies in the next step.

On October 14, Liu Shiyu arrived CSC The business department of Beijing Dongzhimen South Street of the securities company conducted research, held an investor forum, and listened to investors' opinions and suggestions on the reform, development and stability of the capital market. A total of 15 representatives of private funds and individual investors attended the symposium, and some heads of securities companies and relevant departments of the CSRC attended the symposium.

The participants analyzed the basic reasons for the downward range and pressure of A-share market since this year from multiple perspectives, and believed that the most important thing at present is to boost market confidence by deepening reform and expanding opening up to the outside world. It is suggested to enhance the strategic position of the stock market, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, develop mixed ownership, improve the quality of listed companies, improve the basic system, including the trading system, reduce taxes and allow profits to support the development of private equity funds, guide long-term investment behavior, cultivate institutional investors, promote the entry of long-term funds into the market, and strengthen the counter cyclical awareness of macro management and regulatory authorities and market investors, We will promote the stable and healthy development of the capital market.

Liu Shiyu said at the meeting that he would always follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, learn the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, unswervingly adhere to the direction of marketization, rule of law and internationalization, and continue to push forward the deepening reform and comprehensive opening of the capital market. We will truly implement the "six stability" requirements of the Party Central Committee on economic and financial work, and organically combine various measures of capital market reform and opening up, and strict regulatory measures in accordance with the law with confidence stabilization and confidence boosting. Firmly adhere to the "two unswervingly", strengthen innovation in systems and tools, and effectively support the development of private enterprises. China's stock market has hundreds of millions of small and medium-sized investors, which is Chinese characteristics. The CSRC will always shoulder the mission of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors, and strive to create an open, fair and transparent capital market ecosystem.

At the current critical point, Liu Shiyu attended the forum of chief economists and delivered a speech, which was considered by market people as a useful move to pay attention to the market voice and listen to the industry opinions. The chief economist of the securities fund industry is a major participant in the market. They are in the market and can capture the real problems in China's economic growth and capital market development, transmit research information to investors, and play an important role in stabilizing the market, interpreting policies, providing advice and suggestions.

Editor in charge: Chen Youran SF104

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