The supply of affordable housing combined with destocking is expected to speed up

The supply of affordable housing combined with destocking is expected to speed up
07:01, May 27, 2024 Securities Times

Securities Times reporter Zhang Da

The focus of the new round of affordable housing construction is to expand the new way of affordable housing allocation. On May 17, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China and other departments implemented the policy spirit of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on "digesting the stock of real estate and optimizing the incremental housing", introduced a series of "combination fists" for destocking, and clearly proposed the collection and storage model of local state-owned enterprises. It is worth noting that the stock properties or idle land collected and stored by the government this time will be used for the supply of affordable housing.

According to the insiders interviewed by the Securities Times reporter, this new de stocking policy effectively combines the digestion of the stock of real estate or idle land with the supply of affordable housing, which is conducive to raising affordable housing for rationing in a relatively short period of time, vigorously solving the problem of "where does the rationing of affordable housing come from", and making the promotion of affordable housing supply more efficient. It is expected that with the continuous placement of supporting policies and capital, the next stage of placement affordable housing will enter a rapid promotion stage, and the construction of the "market+security" housing supply system is expected to be realized faster.

Completed but unsold commercial housing for storage

Effective de stocking

After the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the end of April first proposed a new real estate regulation idea of "digesting the stock of real estate and optimizing the incremental housing", a series of policy measures for destocking were defined at the regular policy briefing of the State Council held on May 17.

It is worth noting that the measures proposed by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and other departments clearly combine destocking with affordable housing. Among them, the central bank will set up 300 billion yuan of affordable housing refinancing to support local state-owned enterprises to purchase commercial housing that has been built but not sold at a reasonable price and use it as affordable housing for rationing or leasing; The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development proposed that the city government can organize local state-owned enterprises to purchase a part of the stock of commercial housing at a reasonable price as affordable housing; The Ministry of Natural Resources will introduce policies and measures to properly dispose of idle land and revitalize existing land, support local governments to recover idle land at a reasonable price for affordable housing construction, and provide supporting policies such as funds and taxes.

Previously, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development said many times that the focus of planning and construction of affordable housing is to develop a new way to allocate affordable housing. What is the meaning of this series of new de stocking policies combined with affordable housing?

In this regard, Qin Hong, a senior researcher of the National Development and Strategy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Securities Times that the construction of allotment type affordable housing is mainly to solve the problem of the current high price of commercial housing in megacities and the insufficient affordability of newly employed people to buy houses, so that young people can not be tired of buying houses and can concentrate on their work, To improve the quality of life, affordable housing for rationing is only required to be provided in 35 major cities. At the same time, the allotment type affordable housing requires closed operation, which is conducive to the realization of the two housing supply system goals of "security for security and market for market" proposed by the government.

"Of course, in the current adjustment of the real estate market, increasing the supply of affordable housing for allotment needs to pay attention to the market inventory." Qin Hong told the Securities Times reporter that supporting the local purchase of commercial housing that has been completed but not sold as affordable housing can effectively combine the digested inventory with the supply of affordable housing.

Li Yujia, the chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban Planning Institute, also said in an interview with the Securities Times that combining the supply of affordable housing with the de stocking policy is conducive to solving the inventory pressure of developers who have built but have not sold, easing the pressure on funds, and better promoting the guaranteed delivery of housing; Second, it can digest inventory, ease the pressure of imbalance between supply and demand, and stabilize market expectations; Third, it is conducive to raising affordable housing for rationing in a relatively short time, providing it to the market according to the price of affordable housing for rationing, solving the housing needs of new citizens and young people, and correcting the mismatch between supply and demand.

Reclaiming idle land to solve land use problems

Last August, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on the Planning and Construction of Affordable Housing, starting a new round of reform of the affordable housing system.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the planning and construction of affordable housing is a major reform to adapt to the new requirements of Chinese style modernization, improve the housing system and supply system, and reconstruct the market and security relationship under the new situation. The key point of this reform is to expand the new way of allotment and sale affordable housing, finally realize the basic demand of government security, the market meets the multi-level housing demand, and establish a housing system that combines rent and purchase.

The reporter of the Securities Times learned that the new round of affordable housing can be divided into two categories: allotment type and rental type. Compared with the rental type model of the original housing security system, which focuses on public rental housing and affordable rental housing, the new round of affordable housing focuses on complementing the shortcomings of allotment type affordable housing. This part of affordable housing focuses on wage earners who have difficulties in housing and low income, As well as the scientific and technological personnel, teachers, medical staff, etc. that need to be introduced by the city, they will be distributed according to the principle of capital preservation and meager profit.

In terms of land for allotment type affordable housing, the guidance of the State Council clearly stated that affordable housing should be provided with land by means of allocation, and only the corresponding land costs should be paid. We should make full use of the land that has been recovered according to law but has not been built, the commercial housing disposed of by the real estate enterprises in bankruptcy, and the land, idle housing and other construction to raise affordable housing.

Since this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has held several meetings to deploy the construction of affordable housing nationwide, promoting the expansion of affordable housing construction and supply. The policy briefing of the State Council further emphasized the digestion of stock for affordable housing construction.

"For allotment type affordable housing, the previous emphasis was on new construction to form physical workload. This new policy is combined with the digestion of stock, mainly considering that there are many new houses under construction and the stock has been built but not sold." Li Yujia told the Securities Times reporter that at the same time, the local government recovered the idle land, which also solved the problem of land use for affordable housing.

Multi place push to place affordable housing

Construction accelerator

Since the beginning of this year, various regions have actively planned the construction goal of affordable housing for rationing. In particular, the recent planning and construction speed has been significantly accelerated, and the implementation of management measures for multi location support has also been accelerated.

On May 20, the first batch of affordable housing projects for allotment in Shandong Province started construction in Qingdao and Jinan. Yang Huanli, deputy director of the Housing Security Department of Shandong Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department, said that this year, Shandong will accelerate the construction of affordable housing for rationing, and strive to start construction of 12000 units throughout the year.

On May 11, Beijing released the 2024 Beijing Annual Plan for Housing Development, which proposed that this year Beijing plans to arrange 460 hectares of affordable housing land, including 200 hectares of affordable housing land for rent and sale, actively guide the layout of affordable housing land around key functional areas and rail stations, clarify the list of plots, and accelerate the progress of land supply, We will vigorously support the construction and supply of affordable housing.

Xi'an plans to build 10000 affordable housing units for allotment this year, more than half of which have been or will be started, and the construction speed ranks first in the country.

According to incomplete statistics of the Institute, as of April 20, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Jinan, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming, Nanning, Ningbo, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Guiyang, Hefei, Wuhan, Dongguan, Foshan, Nanjing, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Nanchang, Tianjin Nearly 30 cities, including Harbin and Changsha, announced plans to raise funds for the construction of affordable housing for rationing this year. Among them, Fuzhou has the largest number of units raised for construction, up to 12400 units. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are four first tier cities with no less than 10000 units. Most other cities have 2000-4000 units.

Cao Jingjing, General Manager of Index Research Department of China Index Research Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Times that this round of local state-owned enterprises' collection and storage mode is conducive to accelerating the supply of affordable housing, and will also help promote real estate enterprises to speed up the pace of project completion. As the supporting policies and funding end continue to fall, it is expected that the next stage will be a rapid promotion, and the construction of the "market+security" housing supply system is expected to be realized faster.

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