Li Gengnan: What is the premise for the effective implementation of the compulsory delisting mechanism?
Li Gengnan  Li Gengnan
 Yu Yongding: In order to achieve the GDP growth target of 5%, China needs to increase the issuance scale of national debt
Yu Yongding  Yu Yongding
 Guan Tao: The pressure of RMB devaluation has eased, and the relationship between foreign exchange supply and demand has improved - Foreign exchange market analysis report in May
Guan Tao  Guan Tao
 Zhang Yu: The second inflection point is important -- economic data review in May
Zhang Yu  Zhang Yu
 Wang Tao: The momentum of economic growth in May is uneven, and policy support is expected to increase
Wang Tao  Wang Tao
 Gao Xiangyang, President of ICBC Financial Management: promote digital and intelligent transformation and do a good job in digital finance
Gao Xiangyang  Gao Xiangyang
 Wen Bin: The export manufacturing chain is loose, stabilizing domestic demand and waiting for development
Gentle  Gentle
 Wen Bin: Can the export boom continue
Gentle  Gentle
 Luo Zhiheng: What does the differentiated economic data in May reflect?
Luo Zhiheng  Luo Zhiheng
 Zhang Bin: How to enhance the sense of gain of economic growth? How to solve the problem of insufficient demand?
Zhang Bin  Zhang Bin
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