Sina Finance

Little Red Book response platform can adopt children: relevant comments are removed from the shelf, and the reporting information is transferred to the police

Beijing News


From: shell Finance

Little Red Book response platform can adopt children: relevant comments are removed from the shelf, and the reporting information is transferred to the police

[# Xiaohongshu responded that the platform can adopt children #: relevant comments were taken off the shelf, and the reporting information was handed over to the police] Recently, some netizens said that Xiaohongshu platform has long had illegal behaviors such as so-called sending out children, adopting children, selling birth certificates and registering in the household register, and even had fetuses still in the womb, they have already booked "sending out for adoption" in Xiaohongshu, These placements are money transactions with clear and real prices. In response, Little Red Book said that it was illegal to spread "adoption and placement of children". The platform found that there were some comments under some notes that violated the rules. Relevant comments have been taken off the shelf, and the platform will continue to clean up the illegal content in the station. At present, the platform has handed over the reported information to relevant departments.
