Major points of investment in R&D and information technology of securities companies: Huatai's first drop in Hualin in 6 years and Dongcai's R&D personnel are not increased but decreased

Major points of investment in R&D and information technology of securities companies: Huatai's first drop in Hualin in 6 years and Dongcai's R&D personnel are not increased but decreased

Investment Observation of Phoenix Finance

With the continuous development and application of information technology, investors have higher and higher trading requirements for securities companies, which requires securities companies to constantly improve their technology and service levels.

However, as the disclosure of the annual report of securities companies came to an end, the Investment Watch of Phoenix Finance found that in 2023, the investment of securities companies in R&D and information technology had diverged, and 10 of the 40 securities companies that had disclosed information reduced their investment in R&D or information technology.

As far as the amount of reduction is concerned, CICC is the highest among the securities companies that have disclosed their performance at present. In 2023, the company's investment in information technology will be 1.729 billion yuan, down 177 million yuan from 1.906 billion yuan in 2022, a decrease of nearly 10%.

Following closely is Huatai Securities. As the leading securities firm, Huatai Securities will invest 2.578 billion yuan in information technology in 2023. Although it is still the highest investment among securities firms, the gap between Huatai Securities and Haitong Securities, the second largest, is less than 200 million yuan. In 2022, Huatai Securities will invest more than 500 million yuan in information technology than Haitong Securities.

It is worth mentioning that the investment of Huatai Securities in information technology has decreased for the first time in nearly six years. In addition, the number of R&D personnel of Huatai Securities in 2023 also dropped from 3667 in 2022 to 3286, a decrease of more than 10%.

However, in terms of the reduction of information technology investment, the largest reduction is the first venture, which is 26.5%; The second is Guojin Securities, whose investment in information technology will also decline by more than 20% in 2023.

Interestingly, in the 2023 annual report, the statement of Guojin Securities on information technology investment was abstracted, "exceeding 7% of the average revenue of the last three fiscal years", while in the 2022 annual report, it was mentioned that "the company's information technology investment is 577 million yuan". Based on this calculation, Guojin Securities will invest more than 460 million yuan in information technology in 2023, which is more than 100 million yuan different from 2022.

The three securities firms with the largest increase in IT investment are Guotai Jun'an, Shenwan Hongyuan and Haitong Securities, and the three securities firms with the largest increase are Hua'an Securities, Guolian Securities and Shenwan Hongyuan.

In addition, Phoenix Finance Investment Watch noted that although many securities companies are calling for high attention to investment in science and technology, R&D investment and the number of R&D personnel have changed in the opposite direction.

For example, although the investment in R&D of Hualin Securities has increased in 2023, the overall number of R&D personnel has declined by 17.88%.

Similar to the situation of Hualin Securities, Dongfang Wealth has increased its R&D investment in 2023, but the number of personnel at all educational levels is decreasing, especially the number of master and doctoral talents.

In the annual report, Hualin Securities and Dongfang Wealth both attach great importance to scientific and technological research and development, but the reduction of R&D personnel without increase is somewhat contrary to the company's "slogan".

In addition, there are Huaxin Shares and Guojin Securities. Although their R&D personnel have increased, their investment in R&D has declined over the same period last year.

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