Niche software Share free, compact, practical, interesting and green software Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:20:09 +0000 zh-CN hourly one 618 promotion: BetterDisplay 2 30% off in limited time, professional screen custom adjustment tool [macOS] Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:20:02 +0000  618 promotion: BetterDisplay 2 30% off in limited time, professional screen custom adjustment tool [macOS] 1

BetterDisplay 2 is a professional screen customization tool designed for the Mac platform. It can adjust the basic parameters of the built-in/external display through DDC, and provides rich advanced functions such as virtual screen, streaming, picture in picture, etc., supporting most modern displays.

From now on to June 20, during the 618 promotion period, BetterDisplay 2 Time limit seven Discount, as long as eighty-seven point five It can be bought out for RMB.

click Exclusive discount link of niche software Start with this professional display management tool.

DDC hardware control

 618 promotion: BetterDisplay 2 30% off in limited time, professional screen custom adjustment tool [macOS] 2

BetterDisplay 2 adopts DDC hardware level regulation technology, which supports regulation of brightness, volume, gamma value, contrast, color temperature, resolution, refresh rate, etc., to help users easily optimize the display effect of built-in or external displays.

Multiple display modes

A variety of display modes are preset, and users can manage through collection/filtering, switch to target parameter combination with one key, without setting and debugging item by item.

 618 promotion: BetterDisplay 2 30% off in limited time, professional screen custom adjustment tool [macOS] 3

Advanced screen features

BetterDisplay 2 also provides advanced functions such as screen mirroring/streaming/arrangement, picture in picture, virtual screen, and HiDPI zoom adjustment, which can meet users' diversified use needs.

 618 promotion: BetterDisplay 2 30% off in limited time, professional screen custom adjustment tool [macOS] 4

Unlock more brightness

It supports unlocking all brightness gears for XDR/HDR display, so that users can see the screen content more clearly in the highlighted environment.

Efficient regulation experience

In use, the software supports the quick adjustment of various display parameters through the slider/user-defined shortcut key, which is very convenient for daily use.

In addition, BetterDisplay 2 also provides rich functions such as setting the main display screen with one key, quickly switching input sources, locking display configuration, screen rotation, etc.

Compared with similar software, it can not only control more display effects, but also has a perfect Chinese interface! In addition, there are detailed introductions under the advanced settings, which can be said to be very considerate.

618 offers

Through niche software Exclusive link Buy now just eighty-seven point five element 109 yuan The software adopts the buyout system, and can be used permanently upon arrival.

Don't forget the special discount code

  • New users can join the membership for free, and the first order will be reduced by 5 yuan
  • Enter the "APPINN" discount code on the settlement page, and enjoy an additional 15% discount;

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]]> zero
KineStop carsickness assistance: iOS 18's new function "vehicle movement prompt" has been implemented on Android, and can be used today Thu, 13 Jun 2024 06:22:37 +0000 KineStop It is a function of recognizing vehicle movement through sensors, and then prompting users on the screen to prevent carsickness. At present, only Android 7.0 is needed, that is, for boot use. It is almost the same as the new iOS 18 function "vehicle movement prompt" a few days ago@ Appinn

 KineStop carsickness assistance: iOS 18's new function "vehicle movement prompt" has been implemented on Android, and can be used today

come from Discovery Channel , @ w568w Student's recommendation:

Visual solution to prevent carsickness – KineStop

A few days ago, I saw that Apple iOS 18 launched "Vehicle Sports Tips", and some Only Apple can do The words of praise appeared.

But I remember the Android ecosystem Similar applications have existed for a long time Has. I searched a little and found it – KineStop

Well, the principle is the same, not as beautiful and versatile as the KineStop interface.

KineStop uses visual effects to get rid of Kinetosis (carsickness/motion sickness) - reading or watching movies on the car or bus, no longer feeling uncomfortable.

The software comes from the Urandroid team and is also a well-known high-quality Android developer. It is good at combining scientific methods to improve the quality of users' lives. Other well-known products include Sleep as Android And Twilight

Qingxiaowa tried KineStop. The implementation process is very simple. It is to display a translucent object on the screen, with some dots moving with the vehicle (based on sensors). This is equivalent to giving the eyes a signal: I'm moving, you don't move.

Then maybe I won't get carsick.

Recorded a short video:


Finally, don't forget that car sickness can be effectively avoided by not playing with mobile phones.

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TextToSpeech – Read any selected text on Windows and save it as an audio file Wed, 12 Jun 2024 07:51:54 +0000 TextToSpeech It is an easy to use Windows tool, which can help you read any selected text, and can be quickly saved as an audio file@ Appinn

 TextToSpeech - Read any selected text on Windows and save it as an audio file

come from Discovery Channel , developer @ Pancake self recommended:

Text to Speech TextToSpeech: any text to speech, text to audio, txt file to speech

This is a small tool for reading arbitrary text and Txt files. It can also be converted into audio files.

Use shortcut keys: Alt + S

  • Select any text file or text, and press alt+s to start reading;
  • When reading aloud, repeat the above operation and join the reading queue;
  • When reading aloud, press alt+s again to pause/resume reading;
  • Press alt+s twice to stop reading;
  • Click alt+s three times to save the text as an audio file to the desktop.

It is easy to use and fast in response.

Qingxiaowa recorded a video:


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]]> eight
Mathic – a simple fishing website for children: exercise your digital sensitivity, speed and accuracy Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:25:17 +0000 Mathic It is a very simple website for doing math problems (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), which can exercise your sensitivity, speed and accuracy to numbers. It can also be used to fish@ Appinn

 Mathic - a simple fishing website for children: exercise your digital sensitivity, speed and accuracy

Looking carefully at the figure above, the upper left corner shows the required calculation results, and the right corner is a little bit of countdown.

The following is the process you need to calculate. It is very simple and easy to find the correct addition of two numbers. sure Horizontal arrangement it's fine too Vertical Add.

Each round can reset the results three times, one game per minute. After that, there will be statistical results. It's a perfect fishing tool.

In addition, it can also be customized for experts.

The highest difficulty like the one below, Green Frog can't do it

 Mathic - a simple fishing website for children: exercise your digital sensitivity, speed and accuracy 5

It's not fishing, it's masochism 😂


In general, it is very fun for children who are new to numbers to challenge together from a simple start.

Original text:

As for why it is a fishing website, I think it can kill time if you open it when you empty your brain and make questions subconsciously (simply).

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Meet Summer – Clean Tree Hole Chat App [Mac/iPhone/iPad] Tue, 11 Jun 2024 03:08:00 +0000 Meet summer It is a tree hole chat app, which is mainly aimed at people who lack friends at a specific life stage but need an outlet to talk. So it is not an app for everyone, but everyone may need such an app at a particular stage@ Appinn

 Meet Summer - Clean Tree Hole Chat App [Mac/iPhone/iPad]

come from Discovery Channel , self recommended by developer @ sspsx:

The main difference from other apps is to help people minimize social pressure and find a stranger to chat with in real time by anonymous way; On the other hand, through many mechanisms, people talking about unhealthy topics such as pornography and violence are blocked in time, so as to ensure that the whole app can maintain a healthy environment.

So this is why it is called "Clean Tree Hole Chat". We also know that most of the current social software environments are very bad, and we hope to become such a pure land in summer.

I won't say much about the specific App functions. They are described on the official website and in the App Store. After two years of stumbling operation, I really got a lot of thanks from users and helped many users, It also brings together many couples Although I haven't made money yet, I am still very happy inside. The commercialization of App has also been done in a good way. I hope it can operate better and better in the future.

So welcome to meet the summer experience. It is a clean tree hole chat app. If you just want to talk about some emotions at such a stage of life, but can't find the right person, it must be suitable for you to meet summer.

  •  :high_brightness: Meet summer is a clean tree hole chat app
  •  :sunglasses: Anonymously match a stranger to chat without pressure
  •  :face_with_monocle: Constellation and MBTI match to help you find people with the same frequency
  •  :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Instant matching, your complaints will be responded immediately
  •  :partying_face: Pure text chat, no pictures and voice
  •  :smiling_face: You can only talk to one person at the same time. You can't raise fish
  •  :mask: Machine and manual dual mechanisms to maintain a polite and healthy chat environment


As for Android, the developer mentioned that because it is a personal product, it has not yet made a profit and is unable to support the Android version for the time being. If it becomes bigger in the future, I will definitely try to make Android work

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]]> fourteen
A freelancer recommended three offline readers for technical documents Tue, 11 Jun 2024 01:53:00 +0000 @ dms stay Discovery Channel Published an article entitled《 Three offline readers of technical documents can still view technical documents without network 》This post describes how to view technical documents in a non network environment, and recommends three document reading tools. Let's have a look@ Appinn

 A freelancer recommended three offline readers for technical documents6

Original text:

One sentence introduction

Take the technical documents offline to the local, check them at any time, and update them in time.

Assume a scenario

You sit in a coffee shop, unable to focus on enjoying coffee because of your unscrupulous boss, and have no choice but to take out your notebook to catch up with your code progress. However, because of the hot weather, the boss's router is between the strike and the strike... Writing code can be offline, and the progress can be uploaded from another place. But who can write code without documentation?! Anyway, I won't.

In fact, the real scene I experienced was that, as a freelancer, I was excited about my idea, and when I wanted to use code to implement it, the power went out at home. It doesn't matter. My laptop has a life span of at least 8h, but it doesn't have internet. Do you mean mobile phone?! In any case, there was no UPS in the nearby base station (relay signal tower) for a period of time. Once there was a power failure here, the signal would be 2G. I really can't write code without consulting documents.

A little obsessive-compulsive disorder

I have also used some tools. For example, there are plug-ins in Utools that can download some documents. In fact, it is enough, but I always expect the documents to be kept up to date, and don't look back to find that I was reading something two years ago.

A discovery

Then I searched MDN offline curiously and found such a page: Offline MDN Docs – Kapeli , this is great! It is obviously updated frequently, can't wait to collect it, and hopes to find more. Then I read the key sentence:

please consider using a documentation browsing app like  Dash  (macOS),  Velocity  (Windows) or  Zeal  (Linux) instead. These apps will help you get the most out of the docs, by providing a search index and quick access to everything you need.

Please consider using document browsing applications, such as Dash (macOS), Velocity (Windows) or Zeal (Windows, Linux, macOS). These applications will help you make full use of documents by providing everything you need for search indexing and quick access.

Price first

  • Dash ¥ 120, only supports MacOS
  • Velocity $19.95 Windows only
  • Zeal is free and supports MacOS, Windows and Linux

One key point

Of course, the documents are online, but Dash can be downloaded, maintained and updated. The source (docsets) of Dash used by all three of them contains the documents of most common technologies and frameworks, about 200+. And they are like the above pages, providing direct download (but I don't know how to find all the above pages)


Dash said that it supports third-party document sources, but I don't know whether it is troublesome to set them up (I have no conditions to test). Zeal also supports third-party documents, but you need to create a subscription link of Dash docsets

 A freelancer recommended 3 offline readers for technical documents 7


Although the probability of use is small, most documents are almost pure text, so the volume is not large. Download a copy, and you will feel very happy if you use it.

Literary source

It seems here( GitHub – Kapeli/feeds: Collection of Dash docset feeds )It is a document source. You can click the file to see the download address. Flip through the homepage and a large number of document sources provided by users( GitHub – Kapeli/Dash-User-Contributions: Dash repo of user contributed docsets )。

In addition, @ Dalieba also recommended one:

Krzysztof Kowalczyk, author of Sumatra PDF, also developed an offline reader Documentalist , used to view technical documents in multiple languages.

Recommended to all developers.

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]]> three
Subscription calendar sharing of Euro 2024 in Germany: support calendar subscription of Apple, Android and Outlook Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:59:20 +0000 Euro 2024 Germany It's coming this weekend, so share a The subscription calendar service of can easily display the event schedule in the mobile calendar@ Appinn

 Subscription calendar sharing of Euro 2024 in Germany: support calendar subscription of Apple, Android and Outlook

What is specializes in the subscription service of sports event calendar, including football, F1, MotoGP and tennis events. In addition, there are calendars of Chinese football clubs that you can subscribe to.

Calendar of Euro 2024 in Germany

Subscription page ad locum

Apple users and any client that supports. ics

Click the following link directly to subscribe to the calendar:

The Outlook client can also be used directly.

Google Calendar users

Google Calendar users use this link to sign in to their accounts and subscribe:

However, Google Calendar users can also use the above. ics link without logging in Add calendar>Add via web address To subscribe.

Android users

For mobile phones that do not support ical, third-party applications can be used, such as DAVx5

Finally, the schedule will be updated automatically, such as the next Top 16 and Top 8 matches. One more question: there is no Chinese at present, so let's learn English words from different countries by the way 😂

And, welcome to recommend reliable subscription calendar service with Chinese.

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]]> two
Cobalt – an open source online video download tool that supports B stations, Pinterest, Tiktok, VK, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, etc. [Web] Mon, 10 Jun 2024 05:37:09 +0000 cobalt It is an open source video download tool now, supporting mainstream platforms such as B station, Pinterest, Tiktok, VK, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, etc., and can download video or audio separately, as well as API. And can be self hosted@ Appinn

 Cobalt - an open source online video download tool that supports B stations, Pinterest, Tiktok, VK, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, etc. [Web]

come from Discovery Channel , @ Recommended by DT2024 students:

A simple, open source, multi site available, advertising free video download tool

It's easy to use. Paste the link, and then download.

 Cobalt - an open source online video download tool that supports B stations, Pinterest, Tiktok, VK, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, etc. [Web] 8

The download is automatically completed.

If you want to download audio, click the audio button.

Supported online video

  • (Station B)
  • Dailymotion
  • Instagram posts & reels
  • Loom
  • OK Video
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Rutube
  • SoundCloud
  • Streamable
  • TikTok
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch clips
  • Twitter/X
  • Vimeo
  • Vine archive
  • VK videos & clips
  • YouTube videos, shorts & music

API support

Cobalt supports API and you can use it in your own app, but the developer said please use the cobalt hosted by himself.

Qingxiaowa tested it and can directly return to the download link.


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]]> six
DS Music – Third party Qunhui music player [iOS] Sun, 09 Jun 2024 09:54:23 +0000 DS Music It is a third-party Qunhui music player, which requires the Audio Station suite and its own audio files. Support CarPlay play, lyrics display, and login with QuickConnect ID. The interface is much more beautiful than the native DS Audio application@ Appinn

 DS Music - third-party Qunhui music player [iOS]

come from Discovery Channel , self recommended by developer @ tongwanglin:

DS Music – Synology Qunhui NAS Music Player

Main functions:

  1. Connect to NAS music library through Qunhui Audio Station suite
  2. No advertising, free of charge, no subscription system
  3. Support CarPlay playback
  4. Support lyrics display
  5. The audio quality can be adjusted according to the network type, and the original audio quality is supported at most.
  6. It supports login through QuickConnectID and custom domain name, and supports dual authentication.

Functions under development:

  • Offline cache (supported by TF version) and download.
  • Song tag viewing (supported by TF version) and editing.
  • The Apple TV terminal and Apple Watch will also be covered in the future.

Compared with the standard official audio station client DS audio (including iOS and Android), DS Music is much more beautiful in design, and music has a sense of Apple Music design. But the functions are almost the same. They play music.

 DS Music - third-party Qunhui music player [iOS] 9
 DS Music - third-party Qunhui music player [iOS] 10

There is a dark mode, with a few playing cards. Students who are not satisfied with DS Audio can try it.

 DS Music - third-party Qunhui music player [iOS] 11


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Leica released the iPhone camera application Leica LUX, which supports the picture frame icon Sat, 08 Jun 2024 07:20:55 +0000 Famous German camera manufacturer Leica Recently released an iPhone camera application Leica LUX , you can add a picture frame with Leica Logo to the picture. In addition, there are 5 free LEICA filters, which support portrait mode, aperture mode, manual control mode, etc. More functions need to be subscribed@ Appinn

 Leica released the iPhone camera application Leica LUX, which supports the picture frame icon

Leica LUX

The picture frame icon function can only be used for photos taken through the Leica LUX application itself:

 Leica released the iPhone camera application Leica LUX, which supports the picture frame icon 12

The button on the lower left corner of other photos in the system album cannot be pressed.

It supports regular modes such as setting picture format, flash, countdown, etc. The aperture can be manually adjusted in aperture mode.

 Leica released the iPhone camera application Leica LUX, which supports the picture frame icon 13

During shooting, there are two preset configuration buttons FN1 and FN2 on the top, which can customize shortcut keys, such as timer, flash, etc. As shown in the top two buttons.

More importantly, Leica Lux wants you to have the same quality and experience when the solid camera is not at hand.


  • App Store (Not available in the country or region)

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