Patrol police sent critical patients to emergency medical treatment Police fax - rule of law Wang Jinshun three million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-five
Patrol police sent critical patients to emergency medical treatment Police fax - rule of law Wang Jinshun three million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-five
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Patrol police sent critical patients to emergency medical treatment

2024-06-06 09:20      Source: China Jilin Network

Recently, the patrol team of the Big Stone Forest Public Security Branch of the Forest Public Security Bureau of the Jilin Provincial Public Security Department successfully rescued a seriously ill old man, which was well received by his family.

At about 5:00 on June 4, the patrol brigade of the Big Stone Forest Public Security Branch received a police instruction that an old man in Building 25 of Xilin Community had a sudden illness, was unconscious, and needed to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

After receiving the police, the police of the patrol brigade rushed to the scene immediately. He found that the old man was lying on the bed, groaning painfully, his face was pale, and he was short of breath. The situation was very critical. After asking the family members of the old man, they learned that the old man could not take care of himself in bed all the year round and suffered from a variety of diseases. His condition suddenly worsened that morning. Because of his large size, the family members were at a loss for help, so they chose to call the police for help. In order to get the old man to see a doctor as soon as possible, the police used the quilt in the old man's home as a temporary stretcher. The people respectively grabbed the quilt corner, and together they carried the old man to the police car and rushed him to the hospital for treatment. After arriving at the hospital, the police assisted the family members and medical staff to quickly carry the old man who was unconscious into the rescue room, which won valuable time for saving the patient.

Jike APP of China Jilin Network

Reporter Zhang Zhixuan

Correspondent Zhan Yongyu

Edited by: Wang Jinshun Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222