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City Walk, Wutong District

Shanghai Library As a first tier city, I think Shanghai is better than Shenzhen because it has the most convenient contemporary life and unique historical charm. Shanghai has been here many times, basically

Hitty iPhone 16 Pro

iPhone 16 Pro Max I don't know if I am old and like gold things. However, I don't plan to update this year. Last year, I invested too much in the mobile phone case, and it's not working

Xuhui after typhoon

Shanghai The typhoon has just passed with few people. The sanitation workers have cleaned it up once. Tomorrow morning, everything will return to normal. Record the quiet and slightly messy Xuhui Street.

One Bag Travel

Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L This bag was criticized by Mr. Jiao, but I finally chose this 30l travel bag after investigating several. I...

Back to the Northeast Rural Area

Harbin West Railway Station I went back to the northeast countryside a few days ago, where I grew up as a child. I haven't been back for many years, and I am completely unfamiliar with it. There are almost no people in the countryside now

Osaka City Walk

Osaka This trip is passive. In order to save money, I bought an international connecting ticket from Xi'an to Shenzhen to Osaka. It rained in Shenzhen just a few days ago. I gambled on the delay and returned the second half for free. Unexpectedly, the

Xi'an City Walk

In fact, Xi'an has always belonged to the northwest region in my mind, but on the map, Xi'an is actually the east. The reason for this illusion is that the northwest is too barren. If we take people as our guide

Shenyang Kanglaide

Conrad Shenyang I went to Shenyang a few days ago. I thought it would be a City Walk trip, but I lost my interest because of the risk of delay. In fact, I didn't follow the original

Jinan City Walk

Jinan Intercontinental I have been to Jinan for many years, but I didn't visit the scenic spots. This time I visited several famous scenic spots again. In short, except for the hot weather, everything else was good
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  • This time I want to
  • Hexahedron On Hitty iPhone 16 Pro
    The endurance of 15Pro is not good. The video recording is hot. I don't know whether 16Pro has improved. I feel that the photo button of 16pro is a failure. The operation is too complicated. It's not Apple at all. I'm not willing to change it.
  • Ding Dong, your small vault recorded 500 yuan
  • Netizen Xiao Song On City Walk, Wutong District
    Contact more girls.: idea:
  • Netizen Xiao Song On Hitty iPhone 16 Pro
    One hundred ways of private money!
  • Fage will also change hands for the 500 yuan service fee. Wow, it seems that the new products are not so good