A small number of green plants from the fashionable blogger will be picked up for you at one time

A small number of green plants from the fashionable blogger will be picked up for you at one time
21:50, May 10, 2021 At home ZAIJIA

Original title: A small group of green plants from a fashionable blogger, you can get them all at once! (The maintenance guide for lazy people is enclosed)

Author: ZaiJIA at home

   In middle age, one's biggest dream is to open a flower and bird market at home.

   Zhai sir didn't understand when he was young. He didn't really get the purest happiness from growing flowers and grass until his psychological age was trained to 40+by life experience.

   The happiest thing in spring is to see the sunshine through the green leaves; The happiest thing in spring is to accidentally find new branches, leaves and flowers.

   Although my heart is old, what kind of plants is young! Plants that bump face everywhere, no appointment! Non tolerant plants, no appointment! The plants that are not beautiful at home will not be invited!

   Therefore, today's curtilage sir will share some small fresh meat from the plant world that is small, beautiful and easy to raise. They are all good goods at the bottom of the box, and most people do not know about them.


   Monkey Earrings

   New online celebrities who can sleep

   Macaca mulatta earrings are plants introduced from Japan in the last year or two. They have feathery leaves, which close at night. They are similar to mimosa and acacia trees in appearance and characteristics.

   However, if you compare carefully, you will find that monkey earrings have more dense leaves and longer stems. In terms of maintenance difficulty, monkey earrings prefer shade and are more suitable for indoor cultivation, while acacia is more suitable for outdoor cultivation and needs direct sunlight.

   At present, the macaque earrings available on the Internet are all small seedlings. The price is about 100 yuan. They grow fast and can often feel the surprise of new leaves. The stems in the seedling stage are soft and very easy to shape.

   It belongs to the arbor category, and adult trees can grow into towering trees.

   If you are worried that it is too high, you can trim it and control its growth.

   Maintenance Guide

   Don't give it too much fertilizer. The key is to keep ventilation. The soil should be loose, breathable and well drained. It is recommended to When planting, use tiles or stones to pad the bottom of the basin, so as to facilitate drainage, Prevent basin ponding

   💧 Watering: Not frequently, Pour thoroughly, It bears drought and is afraid of moisture, so it is not recommended to spray water on the leaves.

   ☀️ illumination It likes to grow in a cool place. As long as the light is not strong, monkey earrings can grow healthily. Its outdoor resistance is relatively weak. Do not put them near the window in summer, or the high temperature will lead to the closure of the leaves.

   The basic problem of winter maintenance is not big, and it has a certain cold resistance. As long as it is not blowing cold air at the window or at the air outlet of the air conditioner, it will not be easy for dogs to take.


   Japanese umbrella

   Elder green plants who can hold umbrellas

   As a veteran of the planting altar, the Japanese daye umbrella is in the heart of the curtilage sir. Under the fresh and elegant appearance, there is an enchanting heart: growth can be bent into various forms.

   It is often seen in Japanese home scenes. The leaves droop slightly, showing the shape of an umbrella cover, simple and clean.

   Maintenance Guide

   There is almost no difficulty in planting. If you die, you are a plant killer. Personally, you don't need to apply fertilizer or apply less fertilizer, otherwise the branches will become thicker and the leaves will be very large.

   Personally, I think the big leaf umbrella must have clear and beautiful branches to look good. It can naturally create a calm and quiet atmosphere. If the branches and leaves grow too dense, it will appear vulgar.

   💧 Watering: Dry thoroughly and watered thoroughly, It is resistant to drought and humidity, It's hard to die anyway.

   ☀️ illumination: It likes light and bears cold. It can be raised anywhere in the house. It has strong phototaxis. If it is raised in front of the window, remember to turn the basin, otherwise It will grow crooked

   🐛 Disinfestation Every spring and summer, big leaf umbrellas are vulnerable to aphids. It is recommended not to use drugs. The best way is to carefully observe the front and back of the leaves, buds, wipe the leaves with cotton cloth, and timely clean the eggs.


   Cibotium barometz

   The "living fossil" of the plant with the highest "generation"

   When it comes to golden dogs, many people will definitely associate with dogs at the first time, but Zhai Sir would like to say that golden dog fern is a fern.

   The reason why it is called Golden Fur Dog Pteridium is that the part of its rhizome exposed from the ground is attached with golden long hairs, which is as strong as a golden dog lying on the ground.

   Southerners may have seen it in the shady gully at the foot of the mountain or in the shade under the forest. In fact Cibotium barometz It is an endangered protected plant. It originated in the Jurassic Period and has been 200 million years since then. It is the "living fossil" of the plant with the highest "generation" in the primeval forest.

 @Designer Xiao Zheng Damong @Designer Xiao Zheng Damong

   Because many plant lovers have tried their best to breed it over the years, and it has been able to realize artificial cultivation, so we can also buy it in some flower markets. But if you meet it in the wild, do not pick it, because it is to be sentenced.

   Its leaves are different from other Dryopteris. They are serrated, shiny and green. The new sprouts are very like golden tails, Curled up in a ball, Very pleasing.

   Put it at home, the breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, especially cured.

 @Designer Cheng Cheng @Designer Cheng Cheng

   There is a Zen on the tea table. Some of our house owners with high taste are also maintaining it.

   Maintenance Guide

   stay It is easier to raise in the south. It likes a humid environment. It can also be raised in the north. Pay attention to the humidity of indoor air.

   💧 Watering: Watering must be carried out regularly, twice a week. Pay attention not to make the basin soil too dry for a long time. Every time you water, there should be no large amount of water to avoid root rot.

   ☀️ illumination: Move to the sunny position in spring and autumn, and place in half light environment in summer.



   Tall and unique tropical plants

   This year, it is very popular to shape plants into lollipops, straight and lovely. In fact, the plant industry itself has some green plants with lollipop attributes, such as the sun god.

   From the shape, you can definitely guess that it is dragon blood tree genus Its leaves are more luxuriant than those of millennial trees and precious bamboos, and it is a prop plant in the living room.

   Seen from a distance, it looks like a static fountain, bubbling with green spring water.

   Maintenance Guide

   💧 watering There is a pot in Sir's house. He has kept it for nearly two years. He gives water once a week. When it is dry or wet, he lives well. In winter, as long as he does not put it in the air vent, he can live safely in winter.

   ☀️ illumination: It likes warmth and wetness, but also bears drought and shade, So it doesn't matter if you put it in the living room far away from the window.


   Fatsia japonica

   Film Cafe in Japanese Botanical World

   If you are a little tired of raising tortoise back and bamboo taro, you can try the star anise gold plate! It is said that it can bring more wealth and good fortune than a fortune tree or a bamboo tree. In Japanese eyes, it can even ward off evil spirits.

   It has a unique leaf shape, like a green palm. Interestingly, it is not usually 8 horns, but 9 or 7. Don't count it.

   On the status of Japanese flora, Fatsia japonica However, it has a higher rank than the general "plant online celebrity", and has its presence in many Japanese movies.

 Hayao Miyazaki's "Lilliputian Aliette Borrowing Things" Hayao Miyazaki's "Lilliputian Aliette Borrowing Things"
 Ryoko by Hayao Miyazaki Ryoko by Hayao Miyazaki
 Takahata's Fairy Tales of Time Takahata's Fairy Tales of Time

   The director of Tokyo Story, Yashiro Ozu, often places octagonal gold plates as the foreground or background of the picture in his movies, and even moves it to the screen in the form of patterned clothes. It seems unintentional, but it is actually exquisite.

   However, in recent years, it has been robbed of the main character's aura by the bamboo taro on the back of the tortoise that has drifted across the sea. It is time to return the lens that belongs to it.

   The flowering period of star anise gold plate is from October to November every year. The white flowers are held up by the leaves, which is very beautiful.

   The plants are luxuriant. You can directly cut several branches, grow in pots, grow roots, and put them into bottles for hydroponics. You can feed them once with nutrient solution.

   Put it in a straw basket. It is lush, fat and green. It is very pleasing and has a good omen. Mom and Dad love it, too.

   Maintenance Guide

   It is recommended to use sandy soil for pot planting, and turn over soil and change pots every 1-2 years. When changing pots, pay attention to observing the root system, and timely prune the dead and rotten roots.

   💧 Watering: The star anise gold plate likes to be wet, but it is not drought resistant. It can be watered more properly. In summer, you can spray water on it to increase humidity; Control water properly in autumn and winter to keep the basin soil slightly moist.

   ☀️ illumination: It likes half shade, and can be placed indoors at ordinary times where there is scattered light for curing.


   Fishbone Arrow

   Flowering plant Medusa

   Keep a bowl of fish bone arrows. Even if they don't bloom, it's good to just look at the leaves. When new leaves are first released, they look like fish bones and are really cute.

 @Designer Liu Chang @Designer Liu Chang

   When he grows up, his muscles and bones relax and hang down carelessly.

   It is also called serrated epiphyllum, and can open It's very similar to Epiphyllum Red and white flowers can last for one or two days at night in spring and summer.

 @Designer Xiao Zheng Damong @Designer Xiao Zheng Damong

   Maintenance Guide

   The flowerpot for cultivating fish bones and arrows must have good drainage. The soil can use ordinary orchid soil, such as adding some blue stones, snake sawdust and bark to the soil to increase the drainage capacity of the soil.

   Note that there are some very small hairs on its leaves. If it sticks to the skin, it is easy to be allergic. So, when you are doing cutting propagation or ordinary maintenance, you should wear gloves.

   💧 Watering: It likes humidity. In addition to watering occasionally, it needs to spray water regularly to increase humidity.

   ☀️ illumination: Put it in a well ventilated place and avoid direct sun exposure, otherwise the leaves will easily turn yellow and wither.

   Because it hangs down and has beautiful hair (Although the hair volume is small, it is better than the unique shape) , especially suitable for planting with hanging basket.

   One or two pots of small plants are placed on the shelf at home to easily create a natural green plant wall.


   Foxtail Asparagus

   Plush fox tail

   It looks like the tail of a fox. It is green all over the body with dense needles. It is very cute and hairy.

   The dense "fox tail" looks soft and wants to be bald. After several years of good maintenance, the tail will grow longer and longer, and it is easy to form the "nine tailed fox demon".

   It will also blossom little white flowers with peculiar fragrance.

   Maintenance Guide

   It doesn't need to be taken care of often. It has strong drought resistance, tenacious vitality, and is easy to reproduce. Those who want to burst pots faster can apply fertilizer frequently. It likes fertilizer very much. But in winter, the plant will stop growing, and fertilizer should be stopped to avoid fertilizer damage.

   💧 Watering: It should not be too wet. If it is dry, it should be watered once every 3-5 days.

   ☀️ Sunshine: It can grow in half shade and sunny places.


   Silk reed

   Develop waterfalls in minutes

   Zhai sir saw the silk reed for the first time in the house of the ins blogger Jamie Song, and was deeply fascinated by this beautiful "waterfall".

   After checking the data, we found that it has many varieties, which are epiphytic cactus plants introduced from tropical America. The most common ones in China are round stick shaped branches and triangular shaped branches. Unlike common cacti, they give a sharp and strong impression, like a soft waterfall.

   The slender and dense meat branches fall down, suitable for various home environments.

 @Wilderness Botanical Garden @Wilderness Botanical Garden

   Moreover, it always blooms when everything withers.

   Maintenance guide

   Proper window ventilation and air circulation are not only beneficial to its growth, but also can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests.

   💧 Watering: Although silk reed is drought resistant, it likes water more than common cactus. When the climate is dry, spraying mist on the plants is helpful for growth. When the temperature is low in winter, watering can be reduced to help the plants resist cold.

   Which of the above 8 plants do you like best?

   Finally, Sir Zhai wants to tell you that, There are no ugly plants in the world, only the plants that are misplaced and improperly trimmed. The cheapest plants can grow into the most beautiful appearance as long as they are carefully cared.

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