"Dragon looks" make beautiful women! What are their temperament characteristics

"Dragon looks" make beautiful women! What are their temperament characteristics
18:35, April 30, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Fashion COSMO

Author: Nagasaki

   This year, it's finally the turn of the "Dragon System Appearance"!

The actress who was praised by netizens as "Wang Yibo has the most sense of cp" appeared! She is Lan Xiya, who plays Niu Chunmiao in The Wind Runner. Her baby face, big eyes, red head rope and a silver collar perfectly represent the wild and smart Jiangxi girl.

The singer turned actress was not known by netizens before, and some people even thought it was Yang En, a young actress in Life Events, who had grown up again.

Then netizens found that: it seems that girls who grow up in this style are naturally good at acting! What style—— The wild beauty of wanton growth is the "dragon appearance".

The dragon system, as its name implies, looks like a dragon. The most recognizable features are: Wide face, wide eye distance, large and narrow eyes

The representative figures of the "Dragon Girls" are not only Lan Xiya and Yang Enyou mentioned above, but also Wen Qi, Ren Min and Wang Shengdi.

   fruit However, good performers are similar. Is this a new type of entertainment metaphysics? Today, let's talk about why "Dragon looks" is the holy body of actors.

The public's evaluation of these actors cannot escape several keywords: stubborn, cold, broken, in short, it gives a strong sense of "story".

   Thanks in large part to their looks, dragon Department appearance is usually "contradictory":

The broad face of the short and wide sense and the facial features of the large sense present Mature and precocious temperament

The eyes are large and plump, with sharp corners and tails and slanting upward, giving people a good impression Smart and dangerous aggression

Wide eye distance makes people feel Ignorant, naive, lazy

These contradictory characteristics create a "complex" temperament, which makes her feel: This person is unusual. He must have experienced a lot.

   The actor's job is to present the role Color, the essence of the role is the story he has experienced, so the "dragon looks" born with a complex sense of story is naturally ahead of the actors on the track.

   Dragon's appearance is often evaluated as "movie face" ”。 In the value system of actors, they don't need to be beautiful, but they must have storytelling power. When the camera is aimed at their faces, the story has begun, and the audience can quickly enter into the situation they created.

In common, several dragon girls dominate their respective tracks because of subtle differences:

Ren Min's eyes are more round than her face. With a slightly blunt nose, she exudes some young looks, which, together with her firm and resolute eyes, gives a feeling of endurance, stubbornness and weakness.

So there is always some pity and broken, and there is a kind of destiny that is doomed to be unable to be saved. Just like her character Yi Yao, you can still feel the despair, pain and sadness when she was subjected to campus violence.

Wen Qi is the co-existence of Zhou Zheng and evil nature. He has more strength and looks bright and grand. But his sharp eyebrows and eyes breed rebellion, paranoia and a little contempt, which adds some exposed sharpness and coldness.

This makes her more suitable for playing complex roles. Just like Tang Zhen in "Blood Goddess of Mercy", who was exposed to the power and sex trading conspiracy since childhood, he had early insight into the darkness and dirtiness of the adult world and coated himself with a protective color. He was clever and sensible in appearance, but dark and cruel in heart.

Yang Enyou and Lan Xiya are more "Nezha" like beings. Their faces are shorter and rounder, and their eyes are extraordinarily large. It seems that their facial features are full of faces, which makes them feel like cartoon characters rather than three-dimensional human beings.

   So she We are reckless and smart. It seems that we are always angry and fighting. We have a bit more Jianghu spirit of "young chivalrous men".

   Film and television works, artists and actors are like a "other world" to the audience. When we are depressed in real life, we will hope to see the "other world" Some people can live freely and freely.

The dragon girls are always clean, relaxed and wild, revealing a strong sense of breathing vitality.

They often have clean short hair, just like the song "I have cut my hair short, cut my concerns", which is a light state of being free from worldly concerns. In addition, their sharp eyes make people feel that their attitude towards the world is casual and even contemptuous.

This lightness and randomness is the state that the audience subconsciously yearns for. Recently, the whole network forwarded the pictures of Wenqi Archaeopteryx, which is the best proof.

Netizen: You can see the magnificent mountains and rivers from her eyes because of the holy dragon system.

And part of this vitality comes from their self consistency. They have a clear understanding and recognition of themselves, so the whole person seems relaxed.

When the 10-year-old Yang En was asked "who would like to exchange life with", she said: "I want to be myself, I think I am very cute."

When Wen Qi was asked whether she was a genius, she said: "I am a lucky child. Before I found my love, love found me."

When Ren Min was asked whether she was a talented actress, she said: "If I had to choose one, I felt I didn't work so hard, so I can barely be called a talented actress. The word" effort "is more noble. How much effort does it take to qualify me as an actor who works hard?"

   Confident and modest , wisdom, and talents with stable core are the most attractive.

But in fact, there is another factor that cannot be ignored in the appearance and temperament of so many dragon girls mentioned above - that is, excellent acting skills.

   There is no shortage of beauties in the entertainment circle. What is lacking is the ability to play roles People with souls.

As an actor, no matter how amazing he is and how extraordinary his temperament is, if his acting skills are not up to standard and people cannot enjoy the story, he will definitely be eliminated by time.

In the limited age and experience, the drama tension and expressiveness of the dragon actors mentioned above cannot be underestimated:

Wen Qi won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 54th Golden Horse Awards for her role as Tang Zhen in Blood Avalokitesvara;

Yang En became the youngest nominee for the Golden Rooster Award by virtue of "Major Events in Life";

Wang Shengdi was also nominated as the best female partner of the 36th Golden Rooster Award for "Keeping You Safe";

Ren Min nominated the best supporting actress of the TV series for the Magnolia Award of the 27th Shanghai TV Festival by virtue of "Qing Ping Le"......

So, is beauty the prerequisite for actors to be loved? No, there are works and acting skills!

Wen Qi, known as a genius, once said: "Genius does not exist in the entertainment industry. It is true that you are a genius, but if you don't work hard, sooner or later someone will surpass you, and sooner or later someone will use his efforts to surpass your talent." Talent+effort is the best formula for good actors.

I hope more and more actors can hone their acting skills, find their own track, and release their charm! Make the audience happy and let yourself gain recognition and achievements~

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