How to create fashionable and close scalp style when the skull top is not a little high

How to create fashionable and close scalp style when the skull top is not a little high
16:00, March 1, 2024 Fashion COSMO

Author: Sister 13

Source: Fashion COSMO WeChat official account

   Starting from Jenny, the bone phase of high skull top and head covering face It gradually became popular and became one of the benchmarks for measuring beauty. Various techniques for visually raising the skull top emerged in endlessly. But they were not convinced:

   We mean, Don't bow to fashion trends.

Be confident.

Zheng Xiuyan especially likes a neat and fitting hairstyle. No matter in life or on the stage, there are few puffy hairstyles to highlight the outline.

   Daily live Dynamic and Jessica on stage

It can be seen that she prefers the contour brought by the natural thickness of her hair to the air feeling and puffiness. Sometimes, accessories are used to keep the hair in place:

Sister Zheng Xiujing's hairstyle is usually more natural and hardly modified:

Doesn't the star have no one to help with the "high skull top" everyday? This matter also puzzled fans for a time.

In fact, although the high skull top is a very superior bone phase, it is not suitable for all people.

Let's take a look at Zheng Xiuyan's face:

   Her face is thin and narrow, and the proportion of atrium and atrium is relatively large. If the effect of high skull top is made, the face will be longer, and the proportion of the upper court (forehead) will be more prominent visually. Therefore, her hairstyle usually keeps the natural thickness of her hair, like this:

   Zheng Xiujing also has a long and thin face on the whole, but it is slightly wider than her sister's, and the skull top is taller than her sister's. If she has a high skull top, her head will be sharper and her face will be wider, but she will be fat.

But why is Xiujing's skull top so high that it still looks close to her scalp?

   This is related to the head shape. The two sisters' heads are also thin and narrow, with narrow sides:

Sister Xiuyan's face is thinner, so sometimes both sides of the skull top are narrower:

In fact, this head type is difficult to do hairstyle, because the hair on both sides of the head is narrow, and the hair texture on both sides is different from other positions, which will be relatively soft and sparse, so it is difficult to become fluffy by conventional means.

It can be seen that the skull top is not low, but both sides are narrow

If you add wigs or create a fluffy feeling to this head type, the side is thick, but the top is difficult to fluffy. If you don't make it right, the outline will become "square head" or the head will become sharper, dddd

   Peng Loose hair makes the head more pointed

So, can you feel that it is more important to shape a full head shape than the higher skull top?

For the normal face shape with skull top but narrow sides, it is really more suitable than the shape close to the scalp. Because it can flatten and weaken the visual proportion on both sides while protruding the skull top. Comparing the two pictures below, the scalp appears smaller:

   If you happen to be the type with narrow face and narrow head, the hairstyle that can widen the side will be more suitable for you. The key is to make the smallest and flattest part of the side hair into a drum and round shape, so that its full outer contour can set off the face shape.

Here are some ideas.

   The first is the partial hairstyle. This is the most intuitive and simple hairstyle that can naturally thicken the outer contour. If you don't have enough hair, you can also consider Zigzag parting will make hair volume look more.

This is also the reason why Zheng Xiuyan likes partial points:

The direction of partial division is not randomly selected. be careful, Choose the half face that you prefer to take pictures of. Use the thickness of this side (visual focus) to hide the flatness of the side, and the other side (visual neglect point) can simply make a slightly flat effect.

   Then there is the popular "front post and back drum". That is, the first third of the width of the hair is close to the scalp. You can divide and fix the hair on both sides of the forehead behind the ears, and fluff and comb the hair behind the head:

   Of course, the simple way is to use accessories. The thick hair hoop can also perfectly solve the problem of flat head:

Beautiful women love:

It seems that female stars know how to look better! They are all learned sisters!

It's three o'clock. Are you off duty? At this moment, my pace of leaving the company is like:

Photo source: Sina Weibo/INS/Internet

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