You are only one correct cleaning process away from Yang Mi and Liu Shishi

You are only one correct cleaning process away from Yang Mi and Liu Shishi
15:25, December 25, 2023 Fashion COSMO

Author: Sister 13

Source: Fashion COSMO WeChat official account

   Liu Shishi's Poems in the Recent "A Reading of Guanshan"

   I am so beautiful!!

Six years later, Liu Shishi's poems are still online:

In ancient film and television works, the appearance of beautiful women is always accompanied by red lips and black hair. The elegant hair dances gently with the wind, soft and shiny.

In recent years' ancient costume dramas, it is not difficult to find that hair styling has become more and more important, and the cost investment has also increased. Stylists are very concerned about the texture of characters' hair:

   Hair length and texture of previous vs recent costume dramas

They are all made of real hair. Why do they look so different in texture?

   Source: @ Sweet Frost

The key lies in the smoothness and gloss of hair.

Of course, the quality of hair is proportional to the amount of energy invested:

   Sometimes, the maintenance process of these hair hoods is more refined than our daily care

Since more sandstorms, sweats, and even plasma stains are encountered during the shooting of ancient costume dramas, the real hair headgear also needs to be cleaned regularly. In short, they usually use silicone shampoo to gently scrub the hair in sections, and then use a large amount of conditioner to make the hair smoother. After blow drying, the stylist will also use the air cushion comb to comb the hair of the head cover for many times, and comb it from bottom to top (this is to minimize hair loss, after all, hair volume is really irreversible for the head cover). To sum up briefly, it is just to comb the hair when nothing happens.

Before modeling, the stylist will also spray essence spray on the head cover to make the hair more shiny. At the same time, a straight hair splint will be used to clip the headgear that grows against the sky and the hair piece woven on the shoelace more smoothly and straightly for the actors to use.

Probably influenced by the national style, the current hairstyle trend is also moving closer to natural long straight hair, and the focus of hair creation has shifted from the styling features of hot dyeing to emphasizing natural hair quality and luster.

You will find that the private clothes of many young stars have become black and straight!

   But I left it black and straight All hairdressers know this The seemingly simple "no hair style" ”'s hairstyle, It is more difficult to take care of:

Long and straight hair will be heavier than light high-level hair, so it will be more difficult to maintain the head covering face effect of high skull top in the long and straight hair style.

At the same time, beautiful long straight hair should also maintain a certain degree of external contour puffiness while making the hair shiny and soft, and should not be excessively submissive.

Of course, the state of the hair tip is also the key to reflect the texture of long straight hair. Damaged or warped hair tips will make the hair look very rough, affecting the gloss of the hair.

Feel the difference between our black and female stars?

   To create a relationship with female stars The same beautiful and effortless long straight hair style, not to mention that we will learn from the way of wig cover care this time!

   Sectional washing

   The hair root should be fluffy, and the hair should be droopy and soft Products that can use the same function. We can separate scalp care from hair care. At the same time, we should pay attention to the products with compliance function, such as hair conditioner, which should be applied at a distance of 4 cm from the hair root.

After blowing the hair to 70% or 80% dry, a layer of hair tail oil should be added to the more vulnerable hair ends to make the hair smooth and look better.

   Comb your hair frequently

   Combing your hair can not only help to improve the straightness of your hair, but also promote the blood circulation of your scalp. You should comb your hair carefully at least four times every morning and evening, before and after washing. The correct way is to comb in sections and layers, from the hair tip to the hair root, in order to avoid pulling and reduce hair loss.

   Protection against thermal damage

In many cases, daily hot styling is the culprit for dry hair. We dare not play, pull, play and sing every day with five digit hair masks. Of course, our hair is not good either. We should try to reduce the frequency of high temperature curl and straight hair, and use some modeling tools or physical modeling tools with temperature control function to reduce unnecessary hair damage.

   Hair styling is more reliable than hair gel

   Hair gel is more used to maintain the shape than to create the shape. Therefore, if you want to have a star like anti gravity high skull top, you still need to pay attention to the hair styling. From wet hair, you can blow back the hair root to make the hair more fluffy; When creating the skull top, you can use modeling tools or rolling combs to push back the hair root, and then blow it with cold air for 5 seconds, so that the hair will be both high and natural.

   As another innovative masterpiece of Dyson's hairdressing technology category, Dyson Airtrait The hair straightener innovates the application of Dyson air flow technology again, integrates high-speed air into strong air flow, straightens the hair while drying, and creates smooth, shiny natural straight hair in one step, without the need for thermal splints and excessive temperature, so as to achieve no thermal damage to the hair and protect the natural strength of the hair, Really help consumers to achieve a "daily look" without thermal damage.

The texture is clear and easy to absorb, accompanied by fresh plant aroma, which makes the hair elegant, smooth and no longer irritable, reduces bifurcation, and is easy to follow up.

It can be used for wet hair and dry hair. Alternating long and short combing teeth can remove oil stains on the scalp and smooth the hair at the same time to prevent the hair from winding, making the hair more shiny.

   It is suitable for long hair with less oily hair, which can balance sebum. Colleagues can make the hair root thick and strong with support, thus increasing the amount of hair and elevating the skull top. When used together with the same series of hair mask, you can have fluffy and soft hair in 3 minutes.

   In winter, it is necessary for hair to be fried with static electricity. When it is sprayed and smoothed, it is accompanied by a light fragrance to harvest water light sensitive hair. The crew's real hair headgear will also be sprayed with spray before treatment to make the hair more supple.

Photo source: Sina Weibo/Douban

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