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From 2020 to 2022, "coexistence with epidemic disease" has become the norm for tourism industry. How can the tourism industry catch up with the rising domestic tourism demand, and how can it arrange the international tourism that is about to recover? Behind the concepts of meta universe and private domain, how to embed blockchain, intelligent AI, VR/AR and other technologies into the business scene, help the tourism industry revitalize the stock, activate the increment, and let the tourism industry start again will become a new challenge for the tourism industry in 2022.

The 14 year "Global Travel Summit" will also start in 2022: based on the original "Main Forum" Global Travel Summit and the "Sub Forum" Hotel Industry Summit, the "Sub Forum" Destination Digital Summit and the "Grand Travel Summit" will be added to look for opportunities behind the crisis from the perspective of subdividing fields and coordinating upstream and downstream.

Note: The above is the forecast data for 2022

Summit Agenda

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Speech at the meeting

Chen Gang

Co founder and CEO of Ma Fengwo Tourism

The annual event of Global Travel News made me, a veteran of the online travel industry who has been struggling for 10 years, both sigh and sigh. Feeling that the industry will always have positive and optimistic energy, and will always have the courage to face the unknown journey; Sadly, the impact of the epidemic has made the hot industrial paradise suddenly quiet and wither, and many old travel friends who were once familiar with sadly left the scene. When the light of the Global Travel Summit comes on, it can also see the ups and downs of the industry in the past year, and also look forward to the light of hope for the future. The annual gathering, still blooming under the pressure of the epidemic, is not only the insistence of Travel News, but also the expectation of tourists.

Zhou Rong

CEO of Lvyue Group

The Global Travel Summit is like a meeting with an old friend. Everyone opens their hearts here every year, which is very precious. This year is the 15th anniversary of the environmental tourism industry. Along the way, Chao Ge and the president are sincere to the tourism industry and lead the environmental tourism industry to develop and reform together. The theme of this year's Global Travel Summit is "Return · Revival", which is deeply felt: the upsurge of "rural travel" represents people's desire to "return" to the countryside and mountains, and China's B&B industry is also constantly "reborn" through professional and personalized experience upgrading. Looking forward to the wonderful event and journey year by year!

Sun Tianxu

Vice President of Ctrip Group

Here, the sharer is also a listener; Here, expressing views is also a collision of ideas; Here, opponents are also friends, and friends are still friends. Everyone is ignited by the spark here, and also warmed by the sharing of weal and woe here. I sincerely believe that the Global Tourism Summit will be better tomorrow and the tourism industry will be better tomorrow.

Luo Jun

Tujia and co-founder of Sweden Group

In another year, the World Tourism Summit was successfully held, which made the industry boil up in a special period and brought together people who pay attention to the tourism industry. Because there are people who stick to their original intention, the industry will bring hope. The 15 years of persistence and professionalism of Mr. Li Chao and Mr. Wang Jing have led the environmental tourism industry to climb the peak, and today they have brought more inspiration for the return and rebirth of the tourism industry. We will think deeply here, because we are preparing for a better tomorrow of tourism!

Bai Zhiwei

Chief Marketing Officer of Tongcheng Travel

Global Travel Information has always been the leading platform in the industry, and the annual Global Travel Information Summit is also a gathering of all industry participants. In the past two years, the travel industry has been shrouded in the haze of the COVID-19 epidemic, and everyone's business and mood inevitably fluctuate. They need to communicate and collide with each other to inspire thinking.

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