A sneak peek at WCEU 2022

As we get close to opening our Call for Speakers, we want to share a sneak peek into what the Organising Team is planning for the first in-person WCEU in 3 years.

WCEU 2022 has been in preparation for a long time now. In a way, it all started in Berlin, when Porto was first announced as host city at the WCEU 2019 stage. However, a certain virus had other plans for the event. 

The pandemic and need for social distancing have led the organising team to transform WCEU and host it as two successful online events in 2020 and 2021, but the dream of getting together again never faded. As the virus fight continues across the globe and countries keep releasing restrictions to travel safely, we’re confident that we all can finally meet in Porto in June.

While the world paused for a bit, WordPress never stopped. Quite the opposite.  With Gutenberg and the upcoming launch of Full Site Editing, there has never been a more exciting time to be a part of this community.  

Celebrating the present and future of WordPress

We see WCEU 2022 as a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the present and future of WordPress.

As in the previous years, WCEU has 2 days of conference: 3 and 4 June. 

Day 1:
All about WordPress NOW

Everything that can be achieved with WordPress currently.

Day 2:
All about the FUTURE of WordPress

All the exciting things that are just around the corner.

On both days we will be focusing on talks and workshops that teach practical things you can apply in your daily life and work as part of our shared mission of democratizing publishing.

To make this celebration possible, we need you!

In a few days, on 27 December, we will announce the Call for Speakers and invite you to apply for long talks and workshops. ( Subscribe to our Newsletter to get notified once it’s open)

We’re also exploring the options of having Lightning talks and Panel discussions, and we’ll release more information about those later.

Apart from tracks, talks, and workshops, we are working on the fun things too — WP Cafe, Wellness sessions, games and contests, and of course — Afterparty. 

WordPress is known as one of the most diverse ecosystems and we are looking forward to celebrating its present and future in Porto next June!   Would you like to join us?

With all safety measures, our beautiful spacious venue, Super Bock Arena can hold up to 4000 people, and we’re planning to cover it with all things WordPress.

Subscribe to our Newsletter to get to know about all WordCamp Europe 2022 updates first!

One Reply to “A sneak peek at WCEU 2022”

  1. Looking forward to hearing more about WCEU 2022.
    As a STEAM Educator, college professor, blogger and a volunteer/teacher of KidsCamp here in the US,
    interested in seeing what will be offered to youth,
    teens and young adults and even if there would be
    a KidsCamp for youth from 7 to 14 years of age.

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