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  • Daoli District - Guxiang Street | 28 Guxiang Avenue, 60 Guxiang Avenue, 78 Guxiang Avenue
    residence | Built in 1988-2015 | Sold 37 | Rent 26
    about six thousand six hundred and seventeen Yuan/Ping
    2.3% month on month
  • No. 6, Dianhua Road
    residence | Built in 2018-2022 | On sale 47
    about six thousand nine hundred and seventy-six Yuan/Ping
    2.18% month on month
  • Nangang District - Wanggang Business District | Harbin Qianfeng Highway Jinli Garden
    residence | Built from 1993 to 2012 | Sold 23
    about five thousand nine hundred and thirty-four Yuan/Ping
    0.79% month on month
  • Daoli District - Guxiang Street | 31 Edmonton Road
    residence | Built in 1996-2003 | Sold 13 | Rent 8
    about six thousand six hundred and sixty-seven Yuan/Ping
    4.97% month on month
  • Nangang District - Wanggang Business District | No. 35, Nongji Street
    residence | Built 2013-2014 | Sold 16
    about five thousand seven hundred and twenty-six Yuan/Ping
    0.81% month on month
  • Nangang District - Wanggang Business District | 15 Xinnong Road
    residence | Construction from 2011 to 2012 | Rent 15
    about six thousand and seventy-one Yuan/Ping
    1.76% month on month
  • Daoli District - Gongnong Street | 463 Gongnong Street, 215 Jingjiang East Road
    residence | Built from 2003 to 2021 | Sold 14
    about fourteen thousand three hundred and twenty-two Yuan/Ping
    0.55% month on month
  • Daoli District - Guxiang Street | No. 1, Gongnong Street
    residence | Construction from 2000 to 2015 | Sold 13
    about eight thousand three hundred and seventy-six Yuan/Ping
    0.57% month on month
  • Daoli District - Highway bridge | 187 Hesong Street
    residence | Built from 1996 to 2002 | On sale 8 | Rent 3
    about six thousand six hundred and seventy-five Yuan/Ping
    3.03% month on month
  • Daoli District - Qunli New Area | 1599 Qunli Fifth Avenue
    residence | Built in 2008-2018 | Sold 10
    about fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty-three Yuan/Ping
    1.61% month on month
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