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Shihuapo County

Popularity: zero
 Shihuapo County
 Shihuapo County
 Shihuapo County
 Shihuapo County
 Shihuapo County
eighty thousand five hundred and ten RMB/m2

Monthly reference average price compared to last month 3.16%

  • address Chaoyang District - Beiyuan Shui'an Middle Street 19 Map
  • Construction age 2010
  • Cell type Residence/Apartment/Residence
  • Building type Slab building
  • Term of property right seventy
  • Greening rate 30%
  • Plot ratio two point four
  • Number of parking three thousand and one hundred
  • Development enterprise Beijing Shijihong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
  • Property expenses 2.98 yuan/month/m2
  • Property company Beijing Chengcheng Property Management Co., Ltd
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