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Upper East Delta

Popularity: zero
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
 Upper East Delta
fifty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three RMB/m2

Monthly reference average price compared to last month 2.48%

  • address Chaoyang District - Jiuxianqiao Jiangfu Homeland North Map
  • Construction age 2004
  • Cell type residence
  • Building type Tower/slab building
  • Term of property right seventy
  • Greening rate 35%
  • Plot ratio two point seven
  • Number of parking one thousand two hundred and thirty-five
  • Development enterprise Beijing Jiangtai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
  • Property expenses 1.69 yuan/month/m2
  • Property company Yanjingdu Property Management Company
Listing of houses on sale
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