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Yonghe Building

Popularity: zero
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
 Yonghe Building
forty-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven RMB/m2

Monthly reference average price compared to last month 1.12%

  • address Dongcheng District - Dongzhimen Andingmen East Street Map
  • Construction age 2000
  • Cell type Residential/office buildings
  • Building type Tray bonding
  • Term of property right seventy
  • Greening rate 35%
  • Plot ratio one point three three
  • Number of parking seven hundred
  • Development enterprise Beijing Yongliduo Real Estate Co., Ltd
  • Property expenses 6.78 yuan/month/m2
  • Property company Beijing Yonghe Ruijing Property Management Co., Ltd
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Popularity: 0
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