Hello, everyone, the annual blogger is back (please don't play).

Pigeons (googoogoo) have been pigeoning for so long, of course, they didn't mean to pigeon for so long (there is also part of the reason for laziness, orz...)

Let's share a part of our journey over the next 19 years, which is of course the main reason why Aria has not updated her blog for so long.

After reading my commit record, I know that I submitted v1.9.0 for the last time on February 24, 19. If I remember correctly, I started the development of v1.9.1 shortly after that. If you look at the footer version information of this blog, you can actually know that I was testing my blog after that...

The v1.9.1 version of the online test is a version with only a small number of modifications. Many of the modified content has not yet been uploaded to the server and Github, which is also due to my bad habit that small modifications are only made in the local Git, and not transmitted to Github in time, which also foreshadows what will happen later.

From the end of February to May, I was still busy with my schoolwork, and it was hard to find the energy to update something after a busy day. So until the end of May, we were also preparing for the final exam. After the exam, we thought that we should devote more energy to updating. We planned to complete v1.9.1 and update a wave of blogs in June. Results At the end of May, the right metacarpal bone was fractured due to playing injury...

 IMG_0752(20191001-132501). JPG

Fractures are really troublesome. The final exam can only be postponed until next semester. The doctor said that it will take at least several months to fully recover. Next year (2020), surgery will be performed to remove the fixed nails.

The most dramatic thing may not be believed. I was too excited when watching football last June. I accidentally damaged the hard disk of my notebook with two strokes of my left hand(

Yes, at that time, my right hand was still sewing thread and bandages, and now I remember that scene is quite funny), the computer crashed on the spot, and it was almost all bad luck to take it to test...

As a result, I have no backup habit, and everything in my hard disk is gone. In addition to all the source code of Aria (unpacked and under preparation versions), there are also homework that I have written and not handed in (yes, I spent a lot of time rewriting it).

Last June, a wave of operations was the main reason why I haven't updated my blog for so long. The reason why I haven't updated my blog is that this wave of attacks didn't slow down, and when it did, I was lazy (there were too many things to deal with). With the problem of schoolwork, it has been delayed until now. But I am Not affected by the epidemic

In fact, I wanted to post this article for a long time, but I feel that I have a lot of things now, and my blog must not be updated in a short time, but I still have a bubble after thinking about it.

Looking back at the code and style I wrote, I found it a bit "ugly" in my eyes. After all, I didn't think that someone would use XD when I was practicing. Of course, I also wanted to update the theme. But at present, it's really hard to find my time. I can only say sorry to those who are looking forward to updating. We can't update them in a short time. You can also choose other excellent themes that are constantly updating...

Due to various reasons, I was migrating servers these two days, so I occasionally had a draught. Domestic servers and CDNs are very popular, but they are moved out because they are troublesome. As for why they are troublesome, they understand everything.
The server is abroad, and nothing else has been done yet, so the speed is~~~can only wait a little while to open articles and comments when the network is taking a break (please!)
I was in a hurry and didn't have a detailed typesetting. I haven't written for a long time and the writing is very messy. Just understand what I mean. XD